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Why is “wisdom” in the Bible? Why does one need wisdom to get through trials? Why not strength, grace, or deliverance? Within this paper, James 1:2-8 and James 3: 13-18 will be explored to answer these questions and shed light on the reality of godly wisdom and perseverance. The author James, at this time, wrote to Jewish Christians facing persecution and numerous trials. One should recognize that James was writing to the Jewish Christians, who were under the threat of persecution, and that were tempted to compromise their commitment, in order to resemble the world more fully. James wrote to his audience to encourage the believers commitment, in the face of pressing persecution. James appealed to his audience, as his audience was Jewish people who are perceived loves of wisdom, as the book of proverbs gives evidence, leading into the New Testament promises revealed. When reading James, one can gather that he was influenced by books such as proverbs.

In chapter 1, verses 5-8, there are truths mentioned necessary for successfully meeting the trials of life. Wisdom, prayer, and faith. A Christian needs wisdom in order to better view the trials they find themselves in today. If a believer is lacking wisdom, James writes that all he or she would have to do is ask. It is at His discretion to give. James not only explained what to ask for, but he also described how to ask. A believer is to ask for faith, fully believing that Christ will deliver His promises. It is important to note that James is writing to a believing audience, and that is important to know, considering the text. For believers, wisdom is the gift that is truly needed throughout time and various trials. Also, it is often needed for the church today—due to the various factors that threaten the church. So, with various trials attacking the believer and the church, one needs wisdom from Christ. This wisdom isn’t obtained by ones own ability and efforts. It His by He an He alone. If Christians are truly wise, it will be shown by the believers attitude through all circumstances. A Christian cannot just claim wisdom verbally, for that is no better than verbally claiming faith, one must walk in wisdom and in faith.

Double-mindedness and Wisdom Comparison

The greatest enemy to answered prayer is doubt. James compares the doubting believer to the waves of the sea, up one minute and down the next. It was doubt that made Peter sink in the waves as he was walking to Jesus. Jesus asked him, why his faith was so small—why did he doubt? When Peter started his walk of faith, he kept his eye on Christ. But, when he was distracted by the doubt he held, due to the tangibility of the situation, he ceased to walk by faith, and he began to sink. He was double-minded, and he almost drowned. This situation provides the response of many believers.

Many believers live up one minute and down the next—tossed back and forth. This kind of experience points more to a younger faith and immaturity. It may seem that endurance through trails seems useless or without logic, but, to cling to wisdom, is to cling to growth in character. This is more important than anything else. Through experiencing trails with wisdom and character, all of the glory points to Christ. First the suffering and then the glory. God does not help us by removing the trials, but by making the trails work for the believer- ultimately for Himself. James was inspired to write this because the Jewish believers around him were having a hard time committing to their faith, due to pressing circumstances. But, it was those that stayed committed that gave glory to the Kingdom work that was before them. Satan wants to use the trials the believer experiences and use them to trick the mind of those that are committed. God desires to use the trials and persecution to build the believer up and point to His glory.

The biggest interreference with a wisdom filled life, is the issue of double-mindedness. The double-minded person presents as an example of unfaithfulness. This person wants to love both God and the self. The Christian who loves God, and genuinely receives God’s love, will ultimately not fall apart when trials come. A believer is secure in God’s love and hope. This believer is not double minded. Through exploring this text, James point to a promise that God’s purpose in trials is maturity. Through the process of maturity, characteristics will be developed that will better attest to Christ and His fullness. Characteristics such as meekness, contrasts anger and frustration. The believer that clings to humility and wisdom with meekness, is a believer, that in trail, can point to Christ with awe and humble obedience.

The wisdom that James speaks of is different than the wisdom the world has to offer. This wisdom is heavenly wisdom. Worldly wisdom produces worldly results. Spiritual wisdom will give spiritual results. James chapter three speaks on the dangers of worldly wisdom. It is important when a believer is seeking out truth in wisdom during trials, that they do not cling to the wisdom the world has to offer. Worldly wisdom produces trouble, according to verse sixteen, of chapter three. To live in God’s wisdom is to live in a life rich in righteousness and peace. If a believer camps out in worldly wisdom, he or she will live in confusion.

Scripture is very clear when it comes to the application of wisdom for the believer. It can become a common practice during hard times to cling to wisdom rather than knowledge. Knowledge is the ability to take things apart, while wisdom is the ability to put them together. Wisdom is the right use of knowledge. Wisdom is a gift of God throughout scripture. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. It is no coincidence that through both the old and the new testament, wisdom is spoken of in high esteem. In the Old testament, Solomon, who was labeled the wisest man, asked God for the gift of wisdom. God came to Solomon in a dream and offered to give him anything he asked. It is important to note that Solomon did not ask for fame, money, or anything entirely secular in mindset, but he asked for wisdom. However, because God saw it humbling and encouraging to ask for such a gift, He blessed Him with that and so much more.

God gives wisdom with great joy. God gives this wisdom without reservation. Unlike the double-minded man, God is not in doubt about giving. So with holding to the faith, one must ask in faith, without doubt. Once a believer asks, they must be willing to receive. Faith is not just a term for Christian belief but rather is a trust that the promise will be fulfilled. To doubt God, is ultimately doubting His character and authority. It is in great distaste to have enough courage to ask for wisdom but not enough faith to be confident he will receive. God sees that a heart that is divided, can fully be trusted in the things they do.

Trails will come, and the only way to conquer them, is to cling to the purity that comes from Heavenly wisdom. True wisdom works for peace. Wisdom is seen through a believers fruit in their lives. It shown evidence of being attached to the vine. The believer bears good fruit. True wisdom cares for others first. It is sincere. It does not have to show off. It obeys and trusts God.


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Wisdom. (2022, May 16). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/wisdom/

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