The Main Message of Rosie the Riveter Picture

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Rosie the Riveter is a woman who describes women that were treated in factories and shipyards during the 1939-1945 period which was during world war II. In the original photo Rosie the Riveter “we can do it” illustrates that woman can work hard as well as not give up. The photograph that best goes with the original Rosie the Riveter is a man holding a baby and a dustpan with a broom that says “he can do it.” Although, both photos “we can do it” and “he can do it” have a good meaning, both have a valuable sense of life.

In the photo “ he can do it” shows a male holding a baby and cleaning supplies. The baby is with her dad and is attached to him, but he has to clean in order to keep the baby in a safe and neat place. Also, the picture has bright colors which are happy because the baby and the man look happy in the picture. For males to clean is not a common thing because women are always cleaning, but having to take care of a baby has a lot of responsibilities. For instance, a good hard working man will do anything for his child and for his wife if he has one which shows that he has a lot of patience. The man is most likely going to prepare to clean and hold the baby at the same time or put the baby down. This photo illustrates that the man can also play the role of a mother.

In the photo “we can do it” shows Rosie the Riveter who is representing that other women can work hard for themselves. It doesn’t matter what gender the person is, they are able to work any job just like everyone else can. For example, there is many people who don’t work and they end up homeless, but many homeless people like to live like that because they got used to living that way. The picture demonstrates Rosie with her right arm out pointing out that she is strong and others can be too. It is hard to live in this world that we live in, but you have to be able to succeed. The woman demonstrates a serious look in this picture and it clarifies that every woman can boost themselves to work hard in their daily life in order to have anything they want.

In conclusion, everyone has the opportunity to work hard and achieve their goals, but most people that choose not to work confirms that they are lazy. The message of “we can do it” and “he can do it” is to state that both genders can do what they want in life if they put their mind onto it.

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The Main Message of Rosie the Riveter Picture. (2022, Oct 24). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/the-main-message-of-rosie-the-riveter-picture/

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