The Impacts of Mass Media, Socioeconomic Status, Parents, Physical Attributes, Age, Gender, and Environment on the Self Concept

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Several variables affect the self concept. Some of these include:

Mass Media – Adolescents become critical of self-concept due to physical changes and the tensions between their ideal self and how they see themselves. The effects of mass mediated social influences are linked to a lowering of self-esteem. Due to the lowered sense of self- esteem, adolescents look to the external world for an increase of self-esteem and the reconstruction of their self-images through celebrity worship. As teachers, we must emphasize on self love and confidence and the fact that God made each individual in his own image and likeness.

Socioeconomic Status – Adolescents use material possessions as enhancers of their self-concept. They focus on material possessions as a means to develop the poor self-concept they have of themselves by comparison of peers with higher socioeconomic statuses. Self worth is thereby measured tangibly by labeling ‘Rich or Poor’. It is important as teachers to encourage adolescents that material possessions do not define an individual and their value.

Parents – Parents play a major role in the lives of adolescents as they are permanent caregivers. Studies show that when a father talks down to an adolescent, they are not as affected as when a mother reciprocates this demotivational behavior. Reason being, mothers are more affectionate. This lowers the adolescent’s self esteem, disabling them from seeing their self worth. As teachers, we can encourage parents that if they show that they believe in their children, they will begin to believe in themselves.

Physical Attributes (Disabilities) – Adolescents with disabilities are affected by physical appearance when they compare their physical appearance with peers and see themselves as ‘different” and they also are incapable of seeing their full potential. In the classroom, as teachers or guidance counselors, we must place emphasis on equality and help each student to see their full potential and BELIEVE that they are capable.

Age – It is said that experience teaches wisdom. However, adolescents do not always behave as expected because of peer pressure and attitude towards life, among other factors.

Gender – Gender affects adolescents as it relates to male and female as these sexes are not treated equally. Gender inequality is shown for example, boys are expected to work at an early age while girls are sent to school because men are seen as the breadwinner whilst education is emphasized for females. In the classroom, it should be instilled that education is important for both genders and they can become anything they set their mind to.

Environment – Adolescents’ self concept is also affected by where they live. They believe they are of a lower class living in the ghetto than those living in upscale areas which causes adolescents to think lesser of themselves. As teachers, it is important to teach adolescents that where one resides does not determine who they become later on in life.

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The Impacts of Mass Media, Socioeconomic Status, Parents, Physical Attributes, Age, Gender, and Environment on the Self Concept. (2022, Dec 31). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/the-impacts-of-mass-media-socioeconomic-status-parents-physical-attributes-age-gender-and-environment-on-the-self-concept/

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