The Failure of the Universal Health Care as a Solution to the Health Care Issues in the United States

  • Updated March 19, 2023
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Our country is currently facing a predicament of magnitude and preference. This predicament affects EVERY single resident of the United States of America. Our predicament is privatized health care insurance versus universal health care insurance. Despite multiple avenues to insurance, which includes private coverage, employer and work provided programs and government sponsored programs, a number of American Citizens do not have health coverage. Some people believe that a universal health and insurance program should be developed in order to provide benefits to citizens and immigrants currently without health insurance. Universal Health Care is ABSOLUTELY NOT THE ANSWER to this situation.

The free market system is the BEST method to provide affordable insurance to Americans. Less government control will allow revolution and consumer demand to create a health care system that meets the needs of ALL the citizens of the United States. From a physician’s standpoint, a lot of people choose to become doctors because of the amount of money that they make. If Universal Health Care passes doctors will take a 25% pay deduction by 2014. In a utopian society all doctors would be doctors because they love it, but in this world this is not the case. We already have a shortage of doctors in today’s society and we are on track to lose a lot more if Universal Health care passes. The path to become a doctor can take anywhere from 11-20 years, and students will begin to feel as if they could just become lawyers or businessmen or any other job that pays as much if not more than doctors and requires significantly less time in school. Their is simply no incentive to be a doctor anymore.

If Universal Health Care was to pass and everybody has health care, everybody would be using it and would be going to the doctors quite frequently. This will translate into less patient doctor time and would increase misdiagnose cases and as well as malpractice lawsuits. Right now the amount of time that an average person waits in the ER is 4 to 7 hours! If Universal Health Care were to pass, we would see a HUGE increase of this wait time AND not nearly enough doctors or nurses to take the demand. In the privatized Health Care Insurance industry, competition keeps the prices of plans DECREASING and DECREASING. If the single mandate of Obamacare were to pass (meaning that a single healthcare provider would be chosen by the government to provide health care for the nation) the whole aspect of competition would be completely out of the question.

A fixated rate dictated by the government would be the price of healthcare. Also the amount of drugs and pharmaceutical in demand would far out reach the supply. The government would demand that the price of pharmaceuticals be lowered so that everybody could use it and have access to it. This would make the company lose revenue, and more importantly the amount of money that they would be putting into new drugs and developing drugs would be significantly lower. This would diminish the whole pharmaceutical and drug industry. With the Affordable Care Act we are giving the government access to our medical records. The government already has abused our social media, phones and other media in NSA’s PRISM. What is stopping the government from taking advantage of us with our medical records? Do we really trust our govermment? Haven’t they taken advantage of us before? Will it take another Edward Snowden to expose the government’s usage of our medical records in the future?

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The Failure of the Universal Health Care as a Solution to the Health Care Issues in the United States. (2023, Mar 19). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/the-failure-of-the-universal-health-care-as-a-solution-to-the-health-care-issues-in-the-united-states/

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