The Different Factors That May Contribute to the Outcome of a Negotiation

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Negotiation is essentially a consequential endeavor of social interactions that impacts individuals’ relationships, the advancements in their careers and even the amount of salaries they receive from their employers (Galinsky, Kray & Thompson, 2002). Negotiation has undergone massive and seismic changes in the last few years, A previously purely adversarial and a one-time occurrence has now morphed into a complete process based on relationships and an ongoing procedure that lays most emphasis on the empathy of the involved parties, This article plays a very critical role in improving the skills of the negotiators Besides, the article discusses the substantially significant changes that the negotiation process has undergone and the way the negotiations are being conducted in the present day.

Negotiation is, arguably, a very popular topic in the present days in various media such as scholarly articles and journals, and even consumer magazines. There are key reasons for the revival of the deep interest in the art of negotiating For beginners, it is an irrefutable fact that unsuccessfully conducted negotiations often lead to the eruption of conflicts which turn out to be relatively costly and largely unproductive Additionally, failure in negotiations leads to the subsequent failure in the maximization of the potentially gainful situations Finally, the fact that disputes are not zero-sum situations, that is, one party does not have to lose for the other party to win and all involved parties do not always want to benefit the same way from the situation, should definitely foster better negotiation skills.

In most instances, negotiations that adopt a zero sum approach in solving contentious subjects always do not succeed in optimizing the expected outcomes if at all they turn out successful. Besides, this article highlights the critical questions on the value of negotiation scholarship and the requisite expert skills and standards for helping managers of various businesses in becoming better equipped with the skills of negotiations and the subsequent optimization of the outcomes of the negotiations. According to Stamato, the author of this article, there is considerably substantial volumes of research that bear on the effect of gender in negotiations, disputes and difference resolution.

The author farther asserts that gender plays a huge and critical role in how conflicts are expressed and felt by the concerned parties; the values that come to play in the negotiations; and even the impacts that the conflicts have and how they can be dealt with conclusively. The article points out that, the examining of only a single aspect of the research of gender and negotiation strategies does a huge disservice to the quality and the general scope of the research. It is, therefore, imperative to explore all the aspects of the impacts of the gender in the increment of understanding in negotiations and the improvement of the negotiation “awareness”.

The article also points out the inability and the significantly low probability of women to initiate negotiations concerning their salaries and that in most cases; women are more willing to accept their employers’ offers without even attempting to negotiate for a better pay. In a survey conducted, majority of the women that participated in the survey did not anticipate to initiate negotiations on their pay while fifty percent of the men that took part in the survey were more willing to initiate the negotiations. Additionally, women are least likely to start negotiations in opening offers injob discussions and are regarded as more easy to convince to concede quickly, The article cites a research study that discovered that a measly seven percent of women who have graduated from business school only hold negotiations for the increase of their salaries.

On the other hand, fifty-seven percent of their male counterparts negotiated for their salary increment. As a result, the substantially high career-entry salaries for the male workers lead to the constant inequities in the whole careers of the male and the female graduates. It goes without saying that the widely adopted institutional culture and other practices combined with numerous unwritten assumptions and biases tend to inadvertently help in the perpetuation of the widely experienced inequalities between the genders and thus, leading to unfair results which are also significantly inefficient and economically unreasonable Comprehertding the multiplicity of the factors that come into play in the negotiation process and endeavoring to conduct negotiations from a base of interest is a relatively challenging task.

The fact that negotiators are affected by prejudice and biasness based on the gender of the party they are negotiating with, is irrefutable. Another research discovery of substantial significance, to especially my analytical perception of this subject, is that the research on the gender factor in negotiations has come up with numerous and alternative ways of viewing negotiations For a considerably long time now, the theory of feminism considered alternative ways of exploring conflicts and negotiations. In my opinion, this factor has contributed to the appreciation of the critical role that interests and gender variations play in the comprehension of the dynamics of the process of negotiation.

In conclusion, accessibility to information and the effective application of the acquired information churns out a great negotiator. For instance, the gender-based differences in jobs and salaries usually disappear when both genders are given equal and adequate information on the present and prevailing job offers and the rates of remuneration. This article points out the significance of effectively framed negotiations in maximizing the comprehension of the involved interests and the advancement of the optimally regarded solutions.

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The Different Factors That May Contribute to the Outcome of a Negotiation. (2023, Jun 20). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/the-different-factors-that-may-contribute-to-the-outcome-of-a-negotiation/

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