Statement of Purpose for MBA Program

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Learning never Stops

When I first come over in United States from east Africa age 17 then, School was the last thing on my mind and did not even finish high school at time. Every time I begin to tell this story to my younger siblings they think I am bluffing. But it is true story I thought I was going to work work and be like the movie stars, my brother one random day took me to local high school to register me, I was visibly displeased with his action even though I do not usually contend my brother on things I openly questioned his intention and said why? He looked my right in to my eyes furiously and said these exact words “so you saying you will be dropout and will never finish even high school?” I was not sure what concern me the most his furious stare or to possibility of being high school dropout but I have responded the best response in my entire life and it was saying absolutely nothing & registered.

Regardless of my fear of new environment, not wanting to go to school, the dreams of making money like superstar. I was pleasantly surprised to others around me with similar background work tirelessly toward academic excellence and planning to even to further their education by going college. It did not take me long to leave the la la land I was in and keep in touch of reality. I quickly redirected my goals not only am I finishing high school but was determined to go to college.

Once in college I continuously challenged and strived for excellence academically, personally and my immediate surroundings. I self financed my education, upon graduating paid fifty percent of my student loan and financially supported family back home working fulltime. The thing I am most proud of perhaps is that the influence I had over other people I have never known it until recently. Most immigrants I have come to know think the process of going to higher education is beyond their reach and they put it off even if they do want it, I was surprised sharing simple facts, to putting the value of education in perspective in just five minutes conversation motivates others. People do put educated individuals to the highest standards in ever community and I am so privileged to achieve that standard.

I always thought I want to further my education right after graduation, equally compelling thought I had the transformation of academia into professional arena. The past three years working in small firm and extremely dynamic industry gave me the greatest opportunity of being exposed day to day operational activity to strategic position of the firm by directly working c with senior managements. In business one’s leadership is not on so much of the planned events of business rather always working to resolve the unexpected, unplanned yet vital decisions that takes place each day for the overall continuity of the firm. It made me realizes that I really want to do my MBA, increase my perspective and move up further in my career.

In my research I for excellent MBA program I came across TAMUC. I was excited to know the school has highest form of accreditation in business with great price tag, excellent feedbacks from former students which motivated me even more. I will be honored to be admitted in to this program, ready to face challenges, accept the opportunities, rewards and I am certain I will excel in the program.

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Statement of Purpose for MBA Program. (2023, Mar 30). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/statement-of-purpose-for-mba-program/

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