Sociological Analysis of Culture

  • Updated July 25, 2023
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Culture is considered as the beliefs, behaviors, objects and other characteristics equally recognized to the members of a particular group. People usually define themselves through culture, confirming to the shared values of the society. Sociological analysis can be applied to every expression of culture, from sporting events to holidays, from education to transportation, from fashion to etiquette. Almost every human behavior is learned. In other words, people view things on what they have been taught.

The term “youth culture” refers to the way youngsters conduct their lives. The concept behind youth culture is that adolescents form a subculture with norms, values and behaviors that differ from older generations in the society. During the developmental stage of an adolescent, the question “who am i?” often arises. This being the case for one determining his own identity within the same age group. Adolescents usually exert independence from their parents and have a greater reliance with their peer groups during this time. In the past, adolescents spent a majority of their time with adults or child siblings. Obligatory schooling and other societal changes made the joint socialization of youth more established. Nowadays a lot of emphasis is given to clothes, looks, music, sports, etiquette and dating which gives rise to new subcultures.

A subculture is a smaller culture held by a group of people within the main culture of a society, in some ways different from the main culture of a society, but with many aspects in common.


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Sociological Analysis of Culture. (2020, Sep 04). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/sociological-analysis-of-culture/



How is sociology related to culture?
Sociology is closely related to culture as it studies the behavior, beliefs, and values of individuals within a society, which are shaped by their cultural backgrounds. Culture plays a significant role in shaping social interactions, norms, and institutions, which are essential topics of study in sociology.
What are the 3 major sociological perspective of culture?
The three major sociological perspectives of culture are functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic interactionism.
What is sociological analysis?
It is the systematic study of social interaction, institutions, and organizations. It is the examination of how social order is maintained and how power is distributed.
What is sociological perspective of culture?
Yes, minors should be allowed to get tattoos because they are a form of self-expression. No, minors should not be allowed to get tattoos because they are not old enough to make a decision about their body.
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