Secondary School Certificate Examination

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Relationship between Examination and Achievements in SSC Examination

Male and female students views towards secondary school certificate (SSC) examination including both the subject itself and its implication and their future views towards SSC examination and achievement in SSC examination bad traditionally been a major, concern in SSC examination education research (Ma and Kishore,1997) for example Neale (1969)describe the relationship between the two as one of reciprocal influence that as view effect performance and effect and performance in true effect views in addition there is research reporting that the relationship is not statistically significant (e.g. Ng Gan 1987; apanastasiou 2002) there is also research evidence showing that male and female student high performance in SSC examination is not necessarily positively associated with their views about SSC examination and science study (TIMMS) revaluated that views Japan students outperformed student from many others countries in SSC examination . They display relatively negative towards SSC examination (Mullis etc. at 2000) although the above evidence indicate that there is no consistent result in the relationship between male and female students view towards mention performance fosterling positive views its highly recognizes as the crucial component in developing male and female students SSC examination ability in fact many countries have set it as one of the aims of SSC examination education in schools in the case of Pakistan the national SSC examination curriculum states that SSC examination education aims to enable pupils to develop positive attitude towards SSC examination including confidence enjoyment and perseverance (Ministry of education 2000)

Concept of Examination

Mascarcnhas (1991) state the examination arose out of the need of a teacher to give a public manifestation of the effectiveness through a display of the talents of his students, or it arose of the compulsions of students to win fame through public debates. Later , in an evolving scientific age with greater specialization, nation need to be properly equipped to take over these areas in the interest of preparing the country to face a better tomorrow . But specialists could only be selected by credentialing system that follows an examination. The examination therefore as an instrument of liberation either gives the country relevance in the coming of nations or enable it to take care of the problem arising out of a multiracial, technocratic or stagnant society.

Aggarwal (1997) explain the concept of examination as a test of knowledge acquired, or more generally means of assessing intellectual capacity or ability; there are normally three types of examination.

  • A set of question intended to test pupil’s advancement as a consequence of a course of teaching.
  • A way of qualifying candidates for a certificate or a degree in which they are desired to achieve a definite standards for a pass or honors.

Types of Examinations

At present two types of examination have been adopted to evaluate the intellectual attainment of the pupils. Examination may be internal or external. Internal examination are those which are conducted by education institutions from time to time to ascertain the progress of their pupils whereas public examination in the context of school education are those examination which are conducted by external agencies for certification purpose. Examination indeed, are the fact of life meaning nearby that examination are going to stay forever.if we desire to stimulate and rewards efforts to learn if we wish for efficient and public schools, if we want to deal fairly with individual on the basics of their capabilities , we need more examinations, not less (Ebel and Trisbie,(1996). In the following paragraphs, merits and demerits of internal and external examinations are discussed to highlight the weakness and strength of the both.

The present study was intended to investigate Pakistan student attitude towards SSC examination and SSC examination learning at the lower secondary level. There are three reasons to conduct his study first as developing positive an attitude in student is one of the main aims for SSC examination education in Pakistan. We wanted to measure how low lower secondary school students had achieve in this aims. Second as part of large research project on new assessment strategies we hoped to assess students views attitude before the implementation of the new strategies to provides a benchmark in this important aspects of students effective domain for future comparison and improvement .Third since many believe that view play on important role in student learning of SSC examination we believe that more efforts on studies about students views towards SSC examination and SSC examination learning in Pakistan educational setting is needed. Infect it appears that the majority of the available studies on this issue have been carried out in western countries.

Examination System Of Secondary Level In Pakistan

Education inform of other have always been a integral part of education system before the British rule in India sub continental examination was in fashion when the British government took the control of India , they introduce their own education system. The present system of education is essentially based on the matriculation system first introduced by the English in universities of Punjab Madras Calcutta around the end of their nineteenth century after the independence of Pakistan the matriculation examination were conducted by the universities in the fifties educational boards were established the function of which were to conduct the secondary school certificate examination as well as intermediate examinations independently.

Internal and External Examination System in Pakistan

The process of educating and examining the growing human child is as old as man himself. Only its form and method have changed from time to time, the primitive man was taught by example and tested through confrontation with the actual life situations. In the early civilized societies formal instruction was limited to a gifted and selected few: The sage, the philosopher and the religious preceptor taught and tested orally by questioning the disciple.

It relates to finding out the mental, moral and social changes that have come about in the personality pattern of a student and are directly affecting his behavior. Evaluation has a direct reference to the goals of education and therefore, must take into consideration broader implications which have for purposes of appraisal usually two terms are used, namely; examination and evaluation. The term examination aims at ensuring that the matter learnt is adequately fixed and properly recalled. This is a narrow significance and usually relates to class room situations in which emphasis is laid on the learning of a few facts and skills. But the term evaluation has a wider connotation.

Be sure we shall test you with something of fear and hunger, some loss in goods or lives or fruits (of you toil). But give glad tidings to those who patiently persevere (Al-Quran.ii:155).Concept of Examination

Examinations are frequently employed in order to keep the students constantly stimulated to high level of achievement. Examination system may be internal or external. The success of which depends on the reliability and the validity of the system. The aim of our examination system is to judge the achievement of students in different areas such as personality development, creative thinking, and love for Islamic values examinations are the only tools for measuring these aspects.  It looks like target, incentive, motive or stimulant. “It provides motives for the teacher and a spur for the pupils. Examination conditions and orientates the entire teaching process” (UNESCO 1961)

  • It is an indicator of the training given and received. It is to measure what has been accomplished during the period of study to weigh each candidate’s sum of knowledge and appraise his ability.
  • Examination is a measuring instrument intended to verify both a candidates’ value and value of teaching he has received.
  • Examination Page and Thomas (1978) explain the concept of examination as “(1) Assessment of ability, achievement or present performance in a subject (2) instrument of assessment can be log essay or mixed form of assessment may be used for qualifying for entrance to professions and higher education.”
  • Examination system has been one of the burning issues with the large number of Committees, Commissions and Conferences. The recommendations of these were reviewed under the following headings to suggest ways and means to improve the system of examination.
  • The grouping of subject in the date sheets should be so revised as to reduce the number of examination days (Govt. of Pakistan, 1973).
  • All Boards, by regulation should fix the dates of their respective examination and announce them soon after the commencement of the new academic year. In the case of natural calamities and other extraordinary circumstances, special examination be held for them in prevented from taking regular examination (Govt. of Pakistan, 1966, 1978).
  • To ensure effective invigilation, the number of invigilators should be increased to maintain a ratio of 1:20 (Govt. of Pakistan, 1971).
  • Heads of institutions where examination centers are located should be the principal supervisors of the centers. They may be allowed recruit invigilation staff from amongst trusted teachers and should be solely responsible for proper conduct of examination (Govt. of Pakistan, 1971, 1978).
  • Only these centers, where necessary facilities are provided should be approved the Board for holding examination (Govt. of West Pakistan, 1969, Govt. of Pakistan, 1971).
  • Supervisory staff should be carefully selected in consultation with or on the recommendation of the employing agencies (Govt. of West Pakistan, 1969. Govt. of Pakistan, 1973)

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Secondary School Certificate Examination. (2020, Sep 04). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/secondary-school-certificate-examination/

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