Literacy in Sindh Region

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Executive Summary

In this report we have mainly discussed what is literacy its complete explanation along with the factors which makes any person illiterate. We had mainly talked about the survival conditions of people living in Pakistan and especially in the Sindh region. Also what is the literacy rate there and what are the problems which they mainly face due to lack of education. We have also summarized the campaigns or the work which has been started in these areas to eradicate illiteracy also what further work should be done for the betterment of the country are also discussed in it.

Introduction to Illiteracy in Sindh Region

The literal meaning of the word illiteracy is not having the ability to read or write properly. The literacy rate of Pakistan tends to be about 60 % which probably means that the rest of the 40 % population lacks the ability to read or write. The major proportion of the illiterate people reside in the rural areas where there is very less perception of gaining or having education. Rather fir them it is not so important they think that the time given on education can be used in other things which will be fruitful for us or for the village. They mostly invest their time and their energy in the fields to make their crops grow properly. (ABDUL WADOOD, september,4)

The people living there are very backward minded mostly. Due to lack of education these people don’t have the proper way of talking or getting presented in front of people rather if they are they tend to get rude they don’t have the sense to react to the things because they lack the environment. They react according to what their environment has taught or guided them. The main reason for the backwardness of the agriculture sector is that mostly the rural people are involved in this occupation and there is no priority towards having education rather they are depended on the methods and techniques thought to them by their ancestors.

It’s not just that the people of rural areas are facing the illiterate problems or backwardness in their occupation hence the people residing in the cities that are mostly educated face the same problem but in a different way. There is shortage of jobs in the marked hence government should provide such training and opportunities for the unemployed people to eradicate this problem. Also they should start projects which work for establishing schools in the rural areas to promote the educational sectors over there. Illiteracy is a major problem due to which the illiterate people face problems and are not even social and connected with people. Illiteracy basically minimizes the social life and interactions with people as mostly people don’t like to interact with such people and they do not properly even mix with them easily because of which there is less development in the country. (AbdulRehman, 2015)

Sindh is the largest province of Pakistan and probably comprising of half of the country’s population. The major problem here is that people living in this province reside in villages and are unaware of the city life and its advancements. They are far backward in terms of thinking, knowledge, upbringing as well as resources. For this it is essential that the government should start projects in the rural areas for the betterment of those people as well. The literacy rate here is below 50% which means more than half of the population is uneducated which bring a bad effect on the growth of the economy as a whole. And instead of the rate going downwards the rate is increasing day by day according to the news stated in the Express Tribune published in May 2015. Illiteracy is a social barrier for the people it’s difficult to stay connected on the platform with the educated people as they are unaware of the current technologies as well as the current situation and requirements preceding in the current market. (Wadood, september, 2018)

Gender Equality in Education

We all want gender equality not only in the education but in the all aspects of life but when we want to do so we do not do due to the unwanted unreal circumstances which are created by the people and facing by the people. Gender equality in the education is the common factor for any economy’s growth.

In SDGs sustainable development goals gender equality in education is on number five which means it has its own worth. Women’s education in Pakistan is a deep right of every female person having rights in the nation.

Importance of Women’s Education

Education has been of in the middle of sense, value to the development to do with man society.

It can be the start, not only of person knowledge, news given and being conscious, but also an accounted for only through having knowledge of all parts carefully worked design for development and change.

Although it must be taken into account that religion and traditions of the Pakistani act on women’s education.

It would be a great chance if women were able to make their good quality on their own, though.

Education can let women to take part in political work so they can make certain that their voices and has a part in are heard and made house numbers in the public agreement.

They should at least have the knowledge of both sides to be schooled or to keep in place with the old and wise ways.

Causes of Gender Bias in Education

  • People are less educated so they think it’s a wastage of money to invest in girl’s education
  • People think that their investment in girl’s education do not give them fruitful return
  • High investment on the girl’s marriages rather than focus on their education
  • High fees of private schools, colleges and universities
  • Less government institutions so that people can’t afford private sector fees and let their girls at home

How to Overcome Gender Bias in Education?

  • Make more government institutions so that more girls can educated
  • Make policies for the girl’s education like at any home like if there are a 3 girls so government should take care of their two girl’s education so that it can help their parents
  • For private sectors make policies and get them restricted

Recent Work on Education

14-year-old girl and her brother started an outdoor school for street kids in Karachi, Pakistan. Shireen and her brother hasan started the school. Their students were five street beggars but now more than 250 street kids come to the school. Some adults also go there to study. Besides teaching, the siblings provide their students transportation, they also give them pocket money. The school expenditures are covered by their family and friends.

Literacy rate province wise in 2018

Having knowledge of reading and writing rate in Pakistan 2018 is high and highest in Punjab which is 71 parts of a hundred, Sindh 69, 50 parts of a hundred of KPK and Baluchistan people are literate. Dec 11, 2018

Studies on the status of women in Sindh

In Sindhi Society women are deprived of their rights, they are working twenty-four hours at their homes but do not get any reward in exchange. In Sindhi society, especially in villages women cannot go outside the homes to get education or do a job.

Studies conducted by (Wassan & Agha, 2010) and Soomro, Shah, Jamali & Shah, 2012 have analyzed the status of women in Sindh and found very disappointing results.

Domestic violence, low literacy rate, unawareness and no recognition of women rights, low participation in economic, political and social life are clearly unearthing the position of women in society.

Education is very important to make woman useful member of society. Women cannot be informed about their rights until or unless they get education. Education is not limited to formal institutions only. Where women cannot get education due to various factors television can be used as a source of teaching and learning. In is need of time that man and woman should be informed about new laws, legislatures, conventions, and organizations

Educational television programs (ETV) are source of learning for those who cannot take classes in AIOU. Findings of this study are that mostly the students were satisfied with ETV programs and teachers who deliver lecture on ETV.

But, they pointed out some week points of ETV, such as, the timings, recording difficulties and unawareness of program timing and schedule. Researchers suggested that teachers should speak slowly and repeat the main points, students should increase their writing skills, and schedule of programs (akhter, 2011)

Dropout in Pakistan in 2018

The United Nations Development road-map of work undo Pakistan pushed into water its National to do with man Development go to person in authority (NHDR) letting loose the possible unused quality of a Young Pakistan on Wednesday at a nearby hotel. The go to person in authority gives knowledge of that 76.9 per cent young persons in Pakistan let go of education for get money for reasons and hope for a second chance at education.

Why Literacy Rate is low in Sindh?

The rate of literacy is very much low in Pakistan as compared to other countries or nations. As we all know that Pakistan is an Islamic state. In Islam, majority families can’t send their girls outside from home for learning or gaining knowledge that’s why we are very much backward in terms of knowledge as compared to other countries. This can also effect on literacy rate. The major areas of low literacy include:

Financial Impact

Financial literacy effort on income, employment and financial resources. A scale of literacy skills is connected into initial and extreme financial activities and acceptance. Financial literacy needs the expertise to apply various literacies like prose, documents, numerous often at the same time. Most of the literacy skills connected with a deficiency of financial literacy compound the difficulty to follow a good life style for themselves and their families.


Most of the young generation faced literacy due to their family issues or family responsibilities. Poverty is impacting on health, housing, food, life style and the ability to access education and services to recover the situation. A lot of jobs have gone because of newly economical demands due to this people are facing unemployment. Currently newly created jobs requires powerful literacy skills.

Effect on Children

Literacy rate is also affected on children because of their parents; parents have enough knowledge about the newly developed things. Most of the poor people of Sindh unable to afford the school fees so that they do not send their children to school, colleges or universities. Due to low literacy suffers the whole generation.

Exclusion and Participation

People with low literacy skills are often Signalized and Legacy. They are excluded from decision-making, literacy levels affecting their boasting to participate in politics and other activities that inflow the peoples of their families and communities. As a result, society misses out on engaging the talents of a large group of people who have experiences and skills to offer, and whose voices are not heard.

Health and Safety

Low literacy is a serious and common issue of health and safety, both at home and in the workplace. If any person is not literate than he could not understand that what is good for health and that can makes secure from severe problems. On the other hand, safety is very important for everyone in home as well as in workplace because if you are not comfortable or secure then you can’t work properly and not able to focus on desired goal.

Problems Due to Illiteracy

According to the Literacy Foundation, the most frequent causes of illiteracy in adults are having parents with little schooling, lack of books at home and lack of reading stimulation as a child, dropping out of school, difficult living conditions including poverty, and learning disabilities. We can face many problems due to illiteracy, some of the problems arising due to less education are:

  • Corruption
  • Weak Government
  • Disunity
  • Unemployment
  • Child Labor


Illiteracy was the main causes of corruption, crime and extremism which could be countered by low education at the grassroots level. In Sindh province many families are lived who can’t send their children’s for learning because of high fees and financial issues that can create the problem for our society. Children’s who are illiterate they can busy in such activities that are very harmful like snatching, robbery, and thieving.

Weak Government

In corrupt societies, there are weak governments who are unable to stop corruption. There is lack of anti-corruption agencies that can help to reduce the chances of corruption. In the worst cases, leaders and staff of anti-corruption agencies are friends. A government which is weak cannot fight with corruption because he wills not in any way be push forward to take good action against corruption.


Illiteracy was also the main cause of disunity. There is no unity among us. We can’t understand that what is right or wrong and before realizing that we all are Pakistanis, we proudly call ourselves Sindh’s, Punjab’s, Baloch’s, Pakhtoon or Muhajirs. We are a Sunni, a Shia, a Deobandi or a Barelvi, before we realize that we are Muslims who worship one Allah and follow one Quran. Killings due to the difference in religious beliefs are everyday news.


Unemployment can be viewed as the most remarkable outcome of illiteracy. There is a direct relationship between unemployment and illiteracy. If the numbers of uneducated people increase, it would not be much of surprise to see that unemployment is perhaps “going to grow in coming times” that means the rate of illiteracy will increase in coming times.

Child Labor

Pakistan has been suffering from child labor owing to lack of effective educational policies and ever increasing inflation, turning their future worse. According to a survey, almost 1/3 of the working children are literate. As per the Federal Bureau of Statistics (FBS), in Pakistan children aged 5-14 are above 40 million who are fall in child labor.

Literacy Boost in Pakistan

If we see the literacy boost in Pakistan especially in Sindh region the education system is proved a changes for the progress and guarantee for development of society, state and country. Education is the basic right for every citizen of Pakistan. Unfortunately, Pakistan currently standing in general and Sindh standing in particular as its historical has been proved. Overall literacy rate in Sindh during 2008 till 2009 was only 59% for population of 10+ years. There was aim of making 86% people literate in Sindh in 2015 is though challenge but it’s achieved sincerely by following short term and long term goals which planned by the Government to fulfill international commitments, nation required and desperate needs of nation’s success.

If we consider the literacy rate in Sindh the Sindh is Pakistan’s most populated province over 25 million people but its literacy rate is below 50% in rural areas, in 1972 and 1998 it was 30.20% and 45.30%. Similarly, in 2012, 2013 and 2014 it was 69%, 60% and 56%. Overall many children are divesting of education as proved by the greater percentage of Sindh. We can see on daily basis there are a lots of children’s who’s begging on streets and working on small hotels, pumps, shops just for earning some money.

The education foundation is committed to educating and empowering children’s and communities towards social change its received financial support from the department of education and literacy and its focuses on those living in disadvantages areas of Sindh province it runs schools and education centers in partnership with individuals and organizations through public and private partnerships. Save a children’s are working together to improve children’s learning outcomes by providing early grade learners with quality literacy programs in schools and out of schools that will improve reading skills and reading comprehension. There are three steps which helped in boost in literacy in Pakistan:

  1. Reading assessments
  2. Teacher training
  3. Community Action

Illiteracy is a big problem because the illiterate people are unable to understand new techniques of social life they do not enjoy the life they do not understand new policies and system. Every individual has a right to get education in better institutions. If we want to overcome on illiteracy its somehow Government responsibility to provide free education funds for those who could not afford education because they could not have any source of income they want to get education they want to get success, name and fame but unfortunately they are far from this.

Advantages on Country

Improved literacy is a good contribute in economic growth it’s also reduce poverty, number of crimes, promote democracy, gives social awareness, enhanced cultural diversity and keeps away from severe diseases. Its increased self-esteem, confidence and empowerment. In Sindh if we see especially in big cities like Karachi, Hyderabad education system is increasing day by day. If we are literate, we can easily communicate certain information certain situation. Benefits of literacy are far reaching there are human, cultural, social and political benefits and also economic. In terms of cultural benefits literacy can help in facing attitudes and behavior among social benefits of literacy are better health outcomes improved behavior, advancement of education and promotion of gender quality.

Literacy is booster of economic growth in Pakistan on day by day literacy is overemphasized because of innovative technologies which develop awareness in people. In Sindh there are number of villages which develop a schools for the people in villages and somehow people are on the way come from villages in a big city for getting education even though they also know that education is very important in today’s world. The importance of literacy to individual and society can only increase with social, economic and political demands of the twenty first century.


Illiteracy is a key issue in Pakistan with the main causes having already been discussed. It has become a major hurdle in the progress of the country since the illiterate population struggles with basic instructions regarding machinery and therefore can’t progress technologically which hampers economic development of a country. Women illiteracy is also a subsequent problem which has led to increased problems regarding malnutrition, child mortality, unwanted pregnancies and an increase in the population at alarming rates which puts a heavy strain on resources.

While the root cause stems from poverty, the cultural and religious mindset of the residents of rural areas also play a role, acting as hurdles in the illiteracy problem. Pakistan is lagging behind other developing countries like Bangladesh and India who have been relatively successful at increasing the literacy rate and educational opportunities. Literacy is a major indicator of economic development of countries where illiteracy has slowed down socio-economic growth. Recently, many nations have managed to reach a 100% literacy rate and now successfully compete in the global economy.

In Pakistan, the literacy rate is far from satisfactory and compares unfavorably with many world nations. Pakistan’s government should make serious efforts to improve the country’s literacy rate. Moreover, Pakistan’s economy is undergoing many economic and non-economic problems, including large increases in population and poverty, both of which continue to have a significant negative impact on the country’s literacy rate. So we all should focus on this very alarming issue in Pakistan


To come of this problem, the literacy problem should be solved to make the speed of progress fast. The following suggestions if attended to in earnest may go a long way in solving this problem rapidly to enable the country to cope with the speed of world progress in the future:

Increase in number of primary schools

This number should be increased in urban and rural societies though in urban areas, many private schools have been set up to impart education but these are expensive and poor people cannot afford fees and other expenses. It is necessary, therefore, to open such schools in public sector. As a proposal in this regard is to subsidize the private sector with restrictions not to charge high fees and instead of opening new schools in public sector, private sector be associated by giving grants for staff salary and maintenance in a proper proportion to lessen the burden on private sector to enable it to restore normal fees. Actually this was the practice prior to nationalization of schools when grants were given to private schools to enable them to keep the standard and of education and to charge the fee from students as prescribed by the grant sanction authority of the education department. This Was a good via media of association of privately managed schools with govt. sector schools to keep the standard of education as better like as that of good schools.

Betterment in schools’ infrastructure

In rural areas, schools are without buildings and furniture and other furniture necessary to continue education by the students in schools. Even some urban schools also fall under this category. Necessary facilities are to be provided if better results of primary education are to be achieved by the Govt. of Pakistan.

Free and compulsory education

Provision of free basic education along with free books is a good step but lack of teachers has failed this facility that has been started with a large expenditure. At present, 35% posts of teachers are lying vacant. Urban and until teachers are not provided and posted where needed, free education and free books will not yield any fruitful results.

Encouragement of private sector

According to the economic condition of Pakistan, there is a great potential if encouragement to private sector is provided in terms of grants for lessening of fees and increasing the infrastructure requirements of schools subject to the restriction to be followed by the private sector and strict vigilance on the part of the education department for any deviation. This will be accepted by the private sector in its own interest and the interest of the country.

Special emphasis on female education

Female education is a requisite for fighting with illiteracy from the very care that may lessen illiteracy perhaps never so possible but to have it with the female education. The reason is that it is the mother who affects the early training of the child to give him sense of right a wrong and this is only possible with the education of females. The female education holds a bright future for the eradication of illiteracy because of being the first step to eradicate this problem. Women prove best teachers for children as being another form of mother behavior available to the children instead of behavior of male teachers with the children. Co-education at the primary level saves the double expenses on boys and girls schools. This has further advantage of lessening the tendency of children for leaving the schools and thus literacy rate will improve.

Encouragement of intelligent students and diligent teachers

In view of the philosophy of reward and punishment, intelligent students and diligent teachers are to be awarded in the form of cash and certificate awards to promote a feeling of hard work and competition among students and teachers as well. This is especially necessary in the environment and circumstances of

Pakistan where apart to professional ethics is going to take root just because of non-recognition of quality work and rather discouragement for such quality works. Psychologically teachers being ‘part of the society have been degraded in the respect and regard on the part of the society whereas players of games artists are awarded large sums and other valuable gifts just to appreciate their efforts.

Effective promotion of distance education

With the advancement of mass media, communication facilities have been increased to an unimaginative limit to the extent of making this world a global village, especially in the field of mass media. Internet and TV and special audio visual means of hearing and seeing all what happens all over the world just as village people know about the incidents of their village. This facility has opened a field for rapid, effective and highly professional arts and skills to bring to the threshold of almost every door in the whole world. A highly professional and experienced professor can give lecture on TV and Internet his valuable life-long research results to the world in no time without any cost or with small cost as compared to acquisition of that knowledge in a formal way.

It has afforded chances of rapid reach of education of almost all levels to the people having the need of it with less expense and less trouble. Distance learning or education has opened a field for all countries, especially for Pakistan if the govt. wants to make it effective, well-organized, supervised and result-oriented. Even primary education programmers can be supplemented with the help of educationists by asking them to address and present some effective lessons like correct writing Urdu alphabets pronunciation of words at the grass root level of this stage combined with the cooperation and assistance of less trained and experienced teachers sitting in the schools of rural areas at fixed times with their classes. Hundreds of ways can be devised to implement the spirit of scheme effectively and positively. There is no death of experts but the difficulty lies with proper and effective planning on the part of the authorities concerned and association with these schools.

Social campaign against illiteracy

Whatever the detail has been given above is simply to battle lack of


Cite this paper

Literacy in Sindh Region. (2021, Dec 26). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/literacy-in-sindh-region/



What is Karachi literacy rate?
The literacy rate in Karachi is estimated to be around 80%. This is higher than the national average of Pakistan, which is around 60%.
What is the literacy rate of Sindh?
The literacy rate of Sindh is approximately 60%. This means that approximately six out of every ten people residing in Sindh can read and write.
Which district has the highest literacy rate in Pakistan?
The highest literacy rate in Pakistan is found in the Lahore District. The literacy rate in Lahore is estimated to be around 80%.
Which province of Pakistan has lowest literacy rate?
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