Role Model: Mother

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A role model is someone that possesses the qualities you admire,and have affected or inspired you in a positive or negative way that makes you want to be a better version of yourself and taking a leadership position on the issues that you believe in. I admire my mother because her qualities and attitude have inspired me positively.

Firstly, she shows selflessness and acceptance to others who are different from her. She is someone who never saw socializing as a barrier. She saw people’s needs and acts on them in a kind way. I sometimes find it hard when it comes to accepting other people because of our individual way of thinking and when I see people act differently or in an unusual manner, I am often judgmental. But in my mother’s case, people’s circumstances or background doesn’t matter to her. She is never afraid to get her hands dirty. She is always a helping hand and this really inspires me.

Secondly, she is a teacher, although not a high school teacher, but a teacher in the sense that, she taught and showed me how making small gains each day will in time eventually metamorphous into a huge and positive outcome in the future. She also taught me to believe in myself even when I don’t feel like it. Actually, time makes everything better. Even when I have what seems like the worst experience and things are falling apart, by taking it one day at a time, things will definitely get better. Yes, I will face many new challenges as time goes on, but I also know that when I apply her lesson in my daily actions, I will be able to overcome many obstacles.

Thirdly and finally, she always provides solution to problems. Anytime a problem comes up, she thinks more on solutions rather than the problem itself. According to her, just thinking of solutions to a problem is partially solving that particular problem. I gave it some thought and later applied it to my daily life. I later discovered that she was indeed right and it was really a unique way of reasoning. So whenever a situation or problem gets really tough, I will think more on solutions or just repeat her words, “It’s not about falling but about rising back up every time you fall.”

She is the best mother in the world and I advise every mother/woman to be like her or at least emulate her different qualities.

Cite this paper

Role Model: Mother. (2020, Sep 09). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/role-model-mother/



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