Recycling – Should it be Compulsory for Everyone?

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Recycling should be an everyday activity for everyone around the world but the question is; is everyone willing to do so? Everyone creates their own waste in some way but only specific people are “responsible” for sorting it out. I believe that this can be looked at as a good or bad thing by society whether it is a way for people to keep busy or for the higher earning income groups to leave the messy jobs to the less fortunate.

Recycling is done through the means of collecting and processing materials that could otherwise be thrown away as trash and turning them into new products. It is proven that anyone is capable of turning trash or old materials into reusable products and by doing so, this can solve financial problems because instead of having to buy new products every once in a while, the old ones can be renewed and used in other ways. What’s more obvious is that recycling helps to reduce pollution and in this way it protects the environment, therefore, there will be less trash lingering on the streets or floating in our oceans.

Investments in recycling collection support a strong and diverse recycling manufacturing industry, which brings jobs and high wages to states and localities. The collection of recyclable materials is the first – the most critical link in a chain of economic activity. Investment in local collection infrastructure pays great dividends in supporting significant downstream recycling economic activity. Importantly, many of these recycling manufacturers rely on a steady and consistent supply of recyclable materials generated from recycling programs. In California, for every job in recycling collection there are eight jobs created through manufacturing the recovered material into a new product. https://lbre.stanford.edu/pssistanford-recycling/frequently-asked-questions/frequently-asked-questions-benefits-recycling

Recycling can also be encouraged on school grounds; it enables students to take responsibility for an aspect of their school’s life. They will use and develop important interpersonal and workplace skills as they work together to plan their project and encourage other students to take positive action. Some students will be able to develop their leadership skills, and all students will enjoy the chance to increase their self-esteem. Participation can contribute to students’ records of their achievements in school, and enhance their opportunities when they leave, whether into continuing education or employment.

It can be argued that if everyone recycles then this should be a quick solution to protecting our environment and getting rid of financial problems. But there are people who will disagree with this idea and claim that they have more “important” issues to deal with. Which is true? There are many other societal needs that need to be taken care of instead of worrying about which waste goes in which bin and this type of job should be for those who are unable to find a job or school dropouts, just so they have something productive to do while giving back to the world. It also is often considered cost-inefficient, even if it is eco-friendly. The process is also labor intensive. And even when the manpower requirement is high, the kind of work involved can lead to low morale and poor quality of life, because the pay is also low.

In turn, the people who recycle for a living can find easier and less harmful ways of recycling which will not damage the environment. They won’t turn to machines, which cause air pollution; to get rid of the waste but instead they will look for other ways to make use of them. Such as making recycling bins readily available. Make sure your home and office are outfitted with recycling bins for paper, plastic and metal. Keep them out in the open and label them appropriately. Sometimes the convenience factor is all that is needed. The advantage of this system is that it can be homemade by recycled materials. https://eponline.com/articles/2007/11/12/tips-top-ten-ways-to-recycle.aspx

So the question to be asked is, how beneficial is it to have everyone recycle? And the answer is, it’s not because what needs to be considered is that there are people who purposely throw waste and don’t use their items wisely but rely on others to clean their waste for them, only because they are not worried about the good of the environment.

Therefore, as a result it is clear to see that, recycling should not be compulsory for all, there are people who are less worried about the future of the environment and it is a job for those who are passionate about creating new from old. This is for the people who are willing to clean up for others and themselves and do it out of their own free will.


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Recycling – Should it be Compulsory for Everyone?. (2021, Mar 28). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/recycling-should-it-be-compulsory-for-everyone/



What are 4 good reasons for recycling?
Recycling reduces the amount of waste sent to landfills, conserves natural resources, saves energy, and reduces greenhouse gas emissions. It also creates jobs and stimulates the economy.
Why is everyone responsible for recycling?
Recycling is important because it helps to reduce the amount of waste that is produced, and it also helps to conserve resources. Everyone is responsible for recycling because we all contribute to the problem of waste production.
Why is recycling necessary?
Recycling is necessary to reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills, and to conserve resources.
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