Pros and Cons of Taking Risks Personal Essay

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People face with important situations that they should decide throughout their lives. These situations may have the effect of changing one’s professional career or personal life. In this kind of decision points, one’s behavioral stance towards the life plays an important role. We can divide the behavioral attitude into two; whether to take risks or to plan carefully when faced with a situation that needs a decision. I think both of these manners have its own advantages and disadvantages. Firstly, advantages of taking risk can not be limited due to the nature of taking risks. For instance, if a person who is managing a company take risks about the company’s marketing expenses and rise it to an unprecedented amounts, the market size of the company may increase in enormous amounts. However, if the things did not go well, they may face a huge amount of budget deficit and it results in unintended consequences namely firing some of the workers and decreasing the other expenses.

Secondly, with taking risks a manager could achieve even more than what they planned and widen her scope about the potential of the company and set her strategy after she saw what they can achieve. Nevertheless, without a careful plan the strategy may not work well and the person who took the risky decision may be accused of that. On the other hand, some people plan their lives step by step by planning the future and try to forecast the risks and opportunities. The potential gain of that people is restricted because they do not take risks and work accordingly with their plan. Their aim is to follow the carefully designed plan and they stay within the scope of the plan. This has some advantages because they try to forecast the upcoming risks and take the measures to prevent the disastrous effects of the risks. However, as I mentioned above, they do not cross the lines and may avoid the more gain and success. They are happy with their current situation and do not want to risk them by aiming more.

To wrap up, people face with a lot of different decision points in their lives. Some of them take risky behaviors against them and some of them follow more planned and predictible future. Both of them has their own advantages and disadvantages. In my opinion, taking risks may end up in higher achievements and because of that taking risks and leaving the comfort zone would be better for the people.


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Pros and Cons of Taking Risks Personal Essay. (2022, Apr 26). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/pros-and-cons-of-taking-risks/



What are the cons of taking risks?
There are a few cons to taking risks. The first is that you may not always succeed which can lead to disappointment. The second is that you may also put yourself in danger by taking risks.
Why is it good to take risks?
There are a few reasons why it can be good to take risks. For one, it can help you learn more about yourself and what you're capable of. Additionally, it can lead to new experiences and opportunities that you wouldn't have otherwise had.
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