Photography and Art

  • Updated June 18, 2021
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Art is a diverse range of human invention that is interpreted visually, musically or dramatically. For the most extended time, art has been referred to as any form of human expression. Before photography was invented, visual art was presented through paintings that only people with money could afford. Capturing of essential events was not an easy task as for a painting to be done people had to sit still for a long time and wait for their picture to be taken. The following essay thus reflects on the effect of photography on art.

When photography was invented no one treated it as a form of art because they believed that art had to be meticulously prepared and the simple act of shattering of the camera was not regarded to as art. However, over time photography has been accepted as a form of art and people have embraced it globally. The photographer not only takes pictures but they use a lot of techniques like editing and adding special effects to showcase something in its unique form (Gernsheim 22).

The traditional forms of art are still regarded highly as they shaped the history of pictorials. They are treated as very rare, unique and priceless artifacts only displayed in museums or galleries. Nevertheless, the ability of photographers to work with special editing effects on their photographs has earned them the position in museums and art galleries.

Nowadays photography has done the work of documenting easier, and a lot of information can be stored within a short period and stored for eternity. An example of the development of photography was shown by Edward Steichen’s photograph of New York’s early skyscrapers referred to as “The Flatiron” in 1904. This was a classic example of pictorialism as it showed the mood and the atmosphere that the photograph was taken in.

Alfred Stieglitz in 1907 took a photograph referred to as ‘The Steerage’ that championed what has come to be referred to as straight photography, and it became very influential coming into the 20th century. Photography played an essential role in the nineteenth century especially during the world war, where straight photography was applied.

The invention of postcards was also a result of photography, and this was a cheap and effective way of communicating between two people in different states. Photography infiltrated media and became the backbone of it as it was what reporting revolved around. Media houses relied more on picture evidence which communicated more than words when delivering the news (Biernoff 183).

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Photography and Art. (2021, Jun 18). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/photography-and-art/

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