Parks Library is My Second Home

  • Updated February 20, 2022
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I am so glad to have you in my life and appreciate your effort towards my admission at Iowa State University. Iowa State University founded in 1856 is a public land-grant research university located in Ames, Iowa, United States. Iowa State University has a huge campus with a lot of good places like Memorial Union, Lake Laverne, Parks Library and a lot more. The interesting part is, all of these places have one thing in common between them that is the love shared by people. You will see smiling faces, people waving back at you and the positive vibe around you. Interesting, isn’t it? Even though I love spending time in all these places on campus, Parks Library is the one where I am mostly found. My time there consist of finishing my homework, tutoring, working and sometimes just chatting with friends.

The W. Robert and Ellen Sorge Parks Library built in 1925, is located on the west side of central campus right across Atanasoff Hall was named after W. Robert and Ellen Sorge Parks. Prior to its existence, the books were kept in Morrill Hall and Beardshear Hall. Parks Library, designed by the Bird and Rawson, and built by Sugarman Construction Company has a flawless design, there is no chance that a person walking by, will not look at her and praise her beauty and enormous size.

The Library contains over 2.6 million books and subscribes to more than 98,600 journal some of which are kept in other buildings due to reasons like safety and rare use of those books. Parks Library consists of five floors which consist of a lot of study space along with books and a small food court on the 1st floor. However, my favorite floor is the 3rd floor because it consists of computers accessible to students, massive study space and most of my friends can be spotted studying there. Moreover, tutoring for my classes also takes place on the 3rd floor where it is very convenient to be already there.

Open from 7:30 AM to 2:00 AM during normal School days and 24/7 during the exhausting dead week, Parks Library is like a Second home for me and many more students considering the amount of time we spend there. Before making Parks library as my second home Black engineering was the place where I use to spend a lot of time but after going to study at Parks with my friends for a few times I fell in love with this place. And why not? The place has everything that a nerd like me wants: lots and lots of study place, computer labs that anyone can use, printers, scanners and most importantly more nerds like me who can be my future best friends. Don’t take the last example seriously; that was a joke, I am not a “NERD”.

Another thing which makes Parks Library so familiar and loosens me up is that I work there. Yes, you heard it right, I know a lot more about the library than normal people who come to study there do. I work in the stacks department at the Library where my task consists of arranging books throughout the library. Therefore, it is very easy to locate any book and I am familiar with almost every passage and shelf of the library.

I feel, Parks library is the place which has most importance to me at Iowa State University. It is the place where I feel productive, positive and creative. We as students of Iowa State University are blessed to have a place like Parks library which we can make our second home and this home will help us succeed and accomplish our goals.

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Parks Library is My Second Home. (2022, Feb 20). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/parks-library-is-my-second-home/

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