My first time undertaking my online diploma in electronics was very challenging for me. I was having a difficult time balancing my classes, job and family time. The transition stress resulted in feelings of loneliness, insecurity and a sense of helplessness. I wanted to get good grades, work on my class projects efficiently, and participate in groups projects instructed by my professor. I wanted to ensure that I did not miss any classes. Secondly, I wanted to have time with my family. I thought I would achieve this by sharing dinner with them and explaining to them how my day was before we went to sleep. Third, I had a job that was demanding, and I had to ensure that my job performance did not drop below my expectations.
To ensure that I excelled in my classes, job and family time, I needed support from my extended family. I desired family involvement so that I could transition from the usual life I was used to before having children. Initially, I involved my spouse to help in chores because there were many things that needed to be done in and around the house, and I felt I could use some help. I needed someone to help in preparing dinner, doing some laundry, cutting the grass, and other minor activities. I also needed someone to help in motivating me since the work and studies were becoming harder as days continued. My spouse appeared to disregard my needs, and I appeared to do everything in and around the house. At work, I was unable to concentrate because of the pressure I was having at home. My boss, at first, could not understand why I was failing at work with simple tasks. I also started getting bad grades in school. I thought that my spouse understood what I was going through.
Because of my busy schedule, I felt that I needed someone to help out at home. I decided to speak to my spouse about the challenges I was facing. My spouse thought that I had it all covered and would handle my life effectively. But unbeknownst to her, I did not have everything covered and was failing inside. I needed support that I thought I was not getting. Also, my friends and other family members used to laugh at how I was able to manage my schedule considering my tight deadlines. I shrugged my shoulder knowing that inside myself I was hurting. I needed people to motivate me and help out in some of my basic activities.
After speaking to my spouse, I approached my family members and was surprised at their willingness to help. It became clear to me that a strong family relationship supports students through the transitional stresses and further, encouraging self-advocacy and establishing caring relationships with people during my online diploma. Through my self-advocacy, I was able to receive guidance on appropriate resources in difficult circumstances. After expressing myself, I was able to concentrate on my studies and job. At home, I found that almost all the chores I participated in were undertaken by my spouse and family members. All I did was make time for my family members during dinner time. I have learned that it is important to turn to the family and take their advice to make it through the studies and life in general. It is important to seek support from the family members, whether the support is financial or non-financial. The support goes a long way to ensuring that the student-life is successful.
Fast forward four years later, I am going back to school again, but for an online bachelor’s degree in Electronics Engineering Technology. Before I decided to go back again, I spoke with my spouse and family members about this endeavor. They were very supportive, and luckily enough, this second go around will be better. Our children are much older, and I have a job that allows me the needed time for studying. My spouse and I have grown and now work as a team. We have a list of things that need to get done throughout the week. I also take off from school one day out of the week, so that I can keep my sanity. Having great time management skills, a sense of self-advocacy, and being flexible have allowed this first semester to go smoothly and I am looking forward to graduating.