My Learning and Teaching Philosophy Personal Essay

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What was Learned?

When starting the course in higher education, I had no idea of what was required of an educator. One goal was to comprehend what is meant by a good teacher. In which I have ascertained through the use of a metaphor, learning to teach in higher training is like baking cookies and if one has never done it before it would be arduous to carry out.

Imagine that the recipe tells you to put flour, water, and eggs and then skips all the ingredients in between, then tells you to place the cookies into the oven. You would most likely fail at baking for the first time. The missing steps might be recognized to a talented baker, but the novice baker has to have the ingredients. This metaphor was gained through literature, studies of current trends, models, and increase awareness of what impacts teaching (Porché, 2018). This operation of learning was accomplished by exploring what is required of an educator,

  •  how to bridge gaps and reinforce the road of scholarship,
  • being warm, accessible, enthusiastic and caring; and,
  • to set high expectations for all students.

As for the devising of a personal philosophy of teaching, this course has opened my eyes to what is meant by being present and demanding for help is not a weakness but a strength. The second new instrument in my box is through the skill of mentoring or coaching, becoming a tool to enhance students creative thinking, which involves me shifting in my perception of learning regarding person, idea, or situation from multiple angles according to the course syllabus (Argosy University, 2018, section 5; Nosich, 2001; Porché, 2018).

Perhaps the most critical facets I will take away from this course, repetition is a vital technique because it’s one of Dr. Piper’s tools used in the classroom, that will stay with me through the process of becoming an educator or supervisor. For instance, “Diane, less is better”! Also, “A teacher can only do so much”; my takeaway from this instruction, a student learning outcome is measured by determining what the instructor expects students to learn. These assertions can assist me in seeing how students gain knowledge, of course, content and skills, as well as provide clarity for students without overloading them with too many artifacts. For instance, less is better:

  • if scholars are excited to learn, they must perform the difficult work of learning it and become an autonomous learner. Which was also manifested in the substance abuse class when presenting a 30-minute lecture; and
  • what do they already know or assume about the Medicine Wheel, and how it relates to multiculturalism;
  • am I speaking to experts, or will I want to set aside time to touch on basic terms and ideas?
  • Too, what is my audience empowered to do with the information and takeaway to be exercised, and
  • offer the balance of the handouts at the close of the session (Argosy University, 2018, sections 2, 4, 5)?

The above learnings have reinforced my belief in student-centered and experiential learning, that it is through the process of reflection of doing. Teaching the master level students offered an experience in improving my ability to practice knowledge, real-time access coaching and feedback, promotion of communication skills and development of reflective practice habits (Argosy, 2018, section 3).


In summation, my thoughts on multicultural issues have not changed, but, has been empowered through different exercises and activities inside the classroom. This course is the first step in preparing me for day-to-day function in the classroom and offered exposure to didactics of teaching multiculturalism and online discussion, multimedia presentation, demonstration, feedback, self-directed reading, and experiential exercise. Thank you, Dr. Piper, for challenging me to step even more outside my comfort zone and in helping me think before speaking.

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My Learning and Teaching Philosophy Personal Essay. (2021, Mar 26). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/my-learning-and-teaching-philosophy/

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