Motivation behind Pursuing an MBA

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My primary motivation for pursuing an MBA is to utilize the education to develop broad business skills that are not limited to one particular industry. XXXX’s program would enable me to do exactly that due its unique 6-week term structure. I found XXXX MBA’s flexibility and choice of courses to be refreshing and greatly tailored to allow me to acquire knowledge required to achieve my near as well as longer term goals. I also liked the emphasis that XXXX places on imparting global business knowledge to its students. “Global Institute” is a great way to build contacts, get acclimatized to the program before classes commence, and learn the basics of corporate leadership and international business. The core courses in my first year would help me build a solid foundation of business knowledge which I can augment with my own choice of electives.

I plan to take advantage of the flexible program by choosing Strategy as my primary area of concentration. In order to acquire broader range of expertise within Strategy, I intend to put the “4-2” electives formula to use by garnishing strategy courses with two marketing courses such as Marketing Strategy and Strategy and Tactics of Pricing. I also plan to take advantage of the GATE program to learn about business in emerging economies. Another interesting aspect is the availability of foreign language resources. I have long harbored plans to learn a new language and this can be a great opportunity for me to fulfill that desire. In addition to academics, I see great value in the career development workshops and mentorship programs, which I feel would benefit me greatly as I am attempting to switch job roles.

An important part of my MBA education will be to participate and contribute to student clubs. I will be involved in initiatives taken up by the Net Impact Club, which will combine my professional and community contribution interests. I am eagerly looking forward to contributing to social impact programs through various XXXX facilitated initiatives. The Asian Business Club and INDUS are two of the clubs where I can foresee myself acquiring a lot of knowledge as well as being an active contributor by virtue of my background and life experiences. One of my biggest assets is my experience in the software technology industry. I have a strong track record of executing software projects in both academic and professional settings. Moreover, I am also someone who takes initiative to bring my ideas to fruition by working on personal projects in my spare time. One such example is the Android-based mobile application that I designed, developed and successfully launched. I strongly believe that my technical expertise, analytical skills and experiences can help me make positive contributions to the High Tech Club.

During the course of my research, I found XXXX’s online resources, including videos, blogs, and detailed descriptions of courses and curriculum options, to be very informative. In addition to online resources, I gathered feedback from XXXX students, whom I contacted through the internet, and found myself thoroughly impressed with their experiences and opinions of the program. In order to achieve a complete understanding of what to expect from XXXX, I visited the campus and had the opportunity to sit through a marketing class taught by Prof. XXXX. Before the lecture commenced, the professor asked me to introduce myself to the class and also showcase a few of my dance moves. It was fun and all the students in the class were good sports. The atmosphere in the class was jovial, informal, and, at the same time, professional. Once I attended the class, I immediately knew that this program would be a great fit for me. I am particular that my MBA education be a memorable life experience rather than just a set of courses. I am delighted that XXXX provides a platform to achieve the all-round satisfaction that I seek.

After careful thought, I have realized that now is the perfect time for me to pursue an MBA. I currently have the ideal balance of opportunity cost, experience, and motivation to focus on full-time education. An MBA from XXXX will give a massive boost to my career, help me refine my thought process, and give me the foresight to choose a path that will lead me to achieving maximum satisfaction in life.

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Motivation behind Pursuing an MBA. (2023, Mar 30). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/motivation-behind-pursuing-an-mba/

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