Modern View on Existence of God Review

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In the perspective of the world today, God’s existence is considerably a huge issue to discuss with. The answer relies on how humans think of God. If a Christian is to be asked whether he believes God’s existence, naturally, his answer would be yes. But, if one does not have such kind of belief, then he would be in total disagreement. The issue was provided with answers yet remains unsolved. Many have believed that God existed but none have proved it concretely. Many denied such existence but none have completely justified their claims. How can one know God’s existence if he, himself, have not seen God before? How can one be so sure of God? Does God even exist?

With attention to the issue above, I have watched the movie “God’s not Dead.” It presents the existence of God through a debate. The movie tries to prove that God is not dead and that God exist by showing how significant God can be in the universe, in the world, in humans, and in life. Shortly saying, God is responsible for everything. But, is he really responsible for everything? Well, upon watching the movie, I could not deny the fact that the movie presented reasonable evidences and claims.

However, I could not prevent myself from asking why would Josh (a Christian student in the movie who believes in the existence of God) reject following his professor when what he’s told to do was simple. Josh was just asked to write the statement “God is Dead.” It’s very simple but he struggled about it. Josh, rejecting his professor’s order, made me wonder – is this just because he does not want to do it or is it because he have faith in God and he does not want God to be disappointed?

One maybe curious of what kind of belief I have. To be honest, I am a Christian and I grew up aware of the concept of God. Then, why am I asking such forbidden question in the Christian community? The answer, it is because I want to know if such existence can be justified using other things aside from the bible, miracles, and the faith that a person has. It was a tough decision to make, yet Josh chose to follow what his faith tells him to do – to continue believing in God. But, is it just about faith? Is there anything that will concretely prove God’s existence?

As an answer to that, there is a way to prove God’s existence – through Science. None would have thought that Science could relate itself to God but Josh made that possible. In his first debate, he pointed out the existence of the universe through the Big Bang Theory. However, he links the truthfulness of this theory to what the bible contains. It is not coincidence; it is prophecy. Imagine, how can such scripture, written thousands of years ago, state the manner of existence of the universe exactly the same as that of the scientists’ theory? I am pretty amazed with the linkage he made – from Science to God.

Another, let me take the statement said by Josh Wheaton in his debate with Professor Radisson, “Atheist say that no one can prove the existence of God and they’re right. But I say that no one can disprove that God exist.” In this quote, Josh emphasized the fact that no one has the right to disprove on something they don’t believe to ever existed in the world. Disproving on something means knowing something. Think about it. If the atheist believed that God never existed, then they know what is a God. Atheist will never be able to disprove on something unless they know about that thing; and, in the case about God’s existence, they have disproved on it which means they know what is a God that they are able to neglect the existence of God.

Moreover, atheist believed that God is dead, that God never existed. But, the only reason behind this is because they chose to reject God’s existence. Professor Radisson, who is an atheist and a professor in Philosophy, rejected the existence of such thing and even hated it. Honestly, I agree with Professor Radisson but on a different perspective. Yes, a thing such as God does not exist. Why? Because, God is not a thing. God is a Supreme being that is responsible for everything. Professor Radisson believes in God. He was just denying about it.

The fact that a person hates someone means that someone has done something unpleasant to him and that he existed. With Professor Radisson, he claims to reject God’s existence but dares to hate him. Doesn’t this only mean that he knows God and that he knows that God exist? It is his own freewill that lead him to hating God, and it is freewill that is responsible for God’s existence. The person decides whether he would believe in God and follow his ways or reject him and be evil. What happened to Professor Radisson when he was in the midst of death was the best example of accepting God’s existence in freewill. He willingly accepted God in his life even though he’s left no time.

Another proof of God’s existence is morality. That’s the main key behind the existence of God. A person may deny God but he lives knowing the difference of right and wrong. The words of God are the basis of morality. It shows the difference between right and wrong. As Dostoevsky said, “If God does not exist then everything is permissible.” It suggests that if God does not exist then all the things that this world call as “bad” is not bad at all. It suggests that killing, cheating, and lying is nothing but a mere action. The fact that the world knows what right and wrong is then the existence of God is true. The point that the concept of good and bad exist signifies that there is a God.

Given these points, the movie contributed largely into the enlightenment of the existence of God. Every person in this world lives as the proofs of God’s existence. It doesn’t matter whether a person denies him or not. The fact that they know God signifies that they believe in God and that God is real. Everything that constitutes this world – morality, intelligence, and life – is an indication that God is definitely not dead. “…for he is not a thing but a Supreme Being.”


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Modern View on Existence of God Review. (2020, Dec 15). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/modern-view-on-existence-of-god/



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