Math in Electrical Engineering Application

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Electrical engineers use math from multiple points of view in their profession. They use math to help plan and test electrical gear. They use math to figure amp and volt necessities for electrical undertakings. As an electrical engineering student, having an effective mathematics teacher would really help us to prepare for the real world application in this rapidly growing technology we have today.

The Research paper aims to recreate the Philippines development training for math teachers, as a number of math teachers have claimed that most of their training and seminars and was not effective during class. This was supported by the fact of the depletion of Philippine’s mathematics performance in National Achievement Test (NAT) with 50.70% in 2005, 47.82% in 2006, and 46.37% in 2012. Moreover, the Philippines also ranked 41st out of 45 participating countries in 2003 Trends in International Mathematics and Science Society (TIMSS) where students have scored below average in all areas of Mathematics Achievement Test. With these the researchers suggested that there is a need for the improvement of the mathematics education in the Philippines. A need to recreate or improve the current teacher professional development model in the country.

The researchers have used the qualitative approach as this research aims to have a qualitative answer. They have used the triangular method for their questions to validate the obtained data. With these, they have also used Focus Group Discussion (FGD) to get a much more details of information about the perceptions, opinions, and ideas about the topic, and key informants interview to collect information from a wide range of people that have a first-hand knowledge about the topic.

The research participants for the research consists of 3 university professors, 28 secondary mathematics teachers, and 250 students all from the Hamiguitan Range have participated. The researchers have decided to conduct the research in the Hamiguitan Range for its availability of the environment transformative learning would want to applied.

To guarantee the validity of this exploration, the researchers have gone through three preparing workshop training and three to a half year of appication in the school by observing classes, coaching teachers and professors, and meeting students in the parts of transformative instruction. By narrative writing, the researcher gave a rich and detailed record of what the participants did in the study hall. Likewise, the researcher arranged day by day information logs to guarantee that everything that unfolded in the process was recorded. The researcher has made the participants to write journals on their past learning exercises and their short life accounts identified with Mathematics learning as a proof of an educative and synergist attempt for them to learn deeply about their contexts.

The result of the research has made teachers to identify the various visions or aspirations for their students, school and for themselves. The mathematics teachers validated that the most pervasive issue in an mathematics study hall was the student’s enthusiasm for learning. Teachers said that student interests were showed in the study hall discourses where most students discovered trouble in taking part and imparting their thoughts or insights in arithmetic. The teachers additionally said that in the new K to 12 educational program, the subjects were hard to clarify and made student afraid considerably greater to Mathematics. Teachers likewise went on about their trouble in setting up great associations with their students. At last, the teachers cited to some school and natural set-ups, the absence of offices and academic materials to help encourage the exchange in arithmetic all the more adequately and consequently may quicken understudy intrigue.
This has made the implementation of transformative learning in mathematics useful for both the teachers and the students. The participants have said that after applying the new transformative learning in mathematics have made students to have interest in mathematics.


Cite this paper

Math in Electrical Engineering Application. (2020, Sep 26). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/math-in-electrical-engineering/



Do Electrical Engineers need mathematics?
Yes, electrical engineers need mathematics as it is the foundation of their field and is essential in solving complex problems related to circuits, signals, and systems. They use mathematical tools to design, analyze and optimize electrical systems and components.
How much math do electrical engineers need?
Most electrical engineers need to be proficient in calculus and differential equations. Many also need to be able to use computer-aided design (CAD) software.
Is there a lot of maths in electrical engineering?
No, there is not a lot of maths in electrical engineering. The majority of the time is spent doing other things, such as programming or designing circuits.
What kind of math is used in electrical engineering?
The Kitchen House was written in 2010 by Kathleen Grissom.
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