John Is in Love With Lenina and Compares Her to Juliet

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John is a character in the story that was not introduced to the story right away, however, when John enters the story he is officially one of the main characters. John was introduced into the story as a savage. He was born on the New Mexico savage reservation and was aised there. However, with his blue eyes and light skin, the people in the reservation didn’t include him very much. He grew to be an outcast even on the savage reservation. He was raised reading poetry and being Christian in Native American ways. Although, still being an outcast, he grew a longing feeling for adventure and something different. From reading Shakespeare and the bible with all the different stories, he dreamed of going and seeing the civilized world. It is quoted, ‘Lying in bed, he would think of Heaven and London and Our Lady of Acoma and the rows and rows of babies in clean bottles and Jesus flying up and Linda flying up and the great Director of World Hatcheries and Awonawilona'(Huxley, chapter 8).

Soon he meets Lenina and ends up falling in love with her. With all the Shakespeare stories he grew up reading, he compares her to Juliet from one of the stories, Romeo and Juliet. Now Lenina is from the World State in London and she is perfect looking in which is why John was so attracted to her, in which he was white like her as well. The main reason why he was such an outcast on the reservation was because he didn’t look as Native as everyone else. As well as other stories from Shakespeare, he compared his life to the story, Othello, which was about a black guy in a white world and how he was a white man on a reservation. Another story was Hamlet in which was about the stepfather Claudius, who is sleeping with his Hamlet’s mother which he compared how the Popé was sleeping with his mother.

Even though born on the reservation, John’s mother was actually a Beta. She gave birth to John on a savage reservation where then she was quickly left behind. She believed in having many partners at once, she was however ashamed to have given birth in which messed up John’s relationship with her and his relationships with women in the future. With her ashamed self on the reservation she ended her life with addiction. When Linda took her life it is stated, “The savage stood for a moment in frozen silence, then fell on his knees beside the bed and, covering his face with his hands, sobbed uncontrollably” (Huxley, Chapter 14). However, soon into the future, John realizes that Lenina, the girl he has fallen for, and Linda, his mother, had a lot in common.

After fullfilling his idea of going into the New World State in London, himself as a person starts to go downhill. He didn’t like how the people there were, how you only had to be happy with no other emotion, so the only way to change that is if he acts the opposite. Unfortunately, a huge riot broke out which leaves him waking up to being filled with drugs and straight sadness, he ended up taking his own life. His charater in this story was a great signifigance to humanity and courage to the Brave New World to try and fix what should have never been fixed in the first place.


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John Is in Love With Lenina and Compares Her to Juliet. (2022, Jul 06). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/john-is-in-love-with-lenina-and-compares-her-to-juliet/

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