Introduction to Air Transport and Aviation Industry

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During this Covid-19 pandemic in Malaysia, the government has tightened the control at the airports which are the gateways to the country. Explain the activities that are happening at the airports during the Movement Control Order to control the spread of Covid-19. In your explanation, you should include the general Standard Operations Procedures (SOP) by the airport personnel and airport working community in their working environment to protect themselves from Covid-19.

Malaysian government had made the fastest response to overcome the Covid-19 pandemic in Malaysia. This include by tightening the gateways to the country. Since airports is an essential service, it will continue to operate during the Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO). By that, Malaysian Government had set several general standard of operations (SOP) that must be comply by airports, airlines, and passengers. The activities that are happening at the airports during the Movement Control Order to control the spread of Covid-19 are as follows:

Monitoring closely international passengers and crews arriving from China.

Malaysia Airports is cooperating closely with the Ministry of Health (MOH) to monitor international passengers across its doorways. The operator of the airport said in a press statement the new measures include the compulsory use of face masks in entering the terminal building. One of the measures taken by the MOH and supported by Malaysia Airports is the carrying out of thermal screening for arriving passengers and flight crews from China. They have allocated special medical bays for quarantine purposes at the arrival gates to cater to any passengers who are exhibiting symptoms of the virus. Apart from that, they also reassigned the arrival gates for the incoming flights from China to be nearer to the medical bay to expedite the quarantine procedure and minimize the risk of exposure to other airports workers and visitors. Malaysians, as well as their non-Malaysian family members, will be immediately sent to a dedicated quarantine centre after clearing immigration, where they will remain in quarantine for the next 14 days. Those that suffer from fever, flu or respiratory problems should be taken to the nearest hospital immediately upon arrival.

Regular disinfection routine.

Some of early measures took by Malaysian Airports include the vigilant cleaning and sanitizing of their facilities to ensure hygiene at all airports and providing sanitizers throughout the airports for the safety of the passengers. General workers work in shifts round the clock to continuously sanitize the airport’s common amenities and facilities such as lifts, counter tops, trolleys, doorknobs, and handrails, among others. Masks and hand-held sanitizer were provided by the airport for use and strategically positioned throughout the terminal. Airline and cargo crews, including private jets, are required to go through health screening before immigration clearance

Performing Temperature Screening for Departing Passengers.

Thermal scanners will be placed before the check in areas at both terminal buildings at KL International Airport (IATA Code: KUL) starting with KLIA Main at. Level 5 and Level 3. Anyone found with a body temperature of above 38-degree Celsius will not be allowed to go beyond the check-in areas. The thermal scanners used by MOH to carry out the temperature screening are highly sensitive and able to detect body temperatures from a long range, thus allowing health workers to maintain social distance. Airline and cargo crews, including private jets, are required to go through health screening before immigration clearance. All greeters will not be allowed at the terminal. All greeters at Klia2 will be screened on the use of face mask and body temperature before entering the shopping mall.

Additional preventives measures to increase awareness on Covid-19 Pandemic

To report on their current health status, the airline partners issue the necessary announcements on board to their passengers and distribute a Health Alert Card (HAC) issued by MOH for passengers. Those that suffer from fever, flu or respiratory problems should be taken to the nearest hospital immediately upon arrival The HAC is also allocated to the counters of immigration. Masks and hand-held sanitizer were provided by the airport for use and strategically positioned throughout the terminal. The one-meter gap must be observed while being in the terminal. Masks and hand-held sanitizer were provided by the airport for use and strategically positioned throughout the terminal. Visitor with no-face masks would not be permitted to go into the premise.

Under the CMCO, only pharmacies, supermarkets and convenience stores selling essential items can operate at the airport. While dine-in or eat-in are not allowed at the F&B outlets, visitors may order takeaways.

One metre social distancing is practiced by putting marks and lines before entering any premises in airport and to control movement and distance of visitors at one time in the airport. The marks and lines also being marked on chair to create one metre space borders among visitors. Public awareness health signs are located everywhere in the airport to increase visitor’s awareness on the importance of practicing social distance to curb the spread of the Covid-19 virus among people in Airports.

Explain how these agencies, from the military and security forces component of the air transportation industry, can play their roles during this Covid-19 pandemic in Malaysia and the Movement Control Order. In your explanation you must include clear example related to these agencies: –

Police Air Wing

Police Air Wing helps to make surveillance from the air on the country’s territorial water borders to prevent attempts by foreign boats to enter Malaysian border by sea. This will help curb the spreading of Covid-19 among import clusters in Malaysia. For example, six flights are carried out daily by the Air Wing Unit (PGU) of the Royal Malaysia Police (PDRM) to ensure the safety of the country’s territorial waters from foreign encroachment during the Movement Control Order (CPP). Other than that, The Civil Aviation Authority of Malaysia (CAAM) has given its approval for the deployment of 92 drones to conduct surveillance and enforcement nationwide during the Movement Control Order (MCO) Phase 2. The authorization was given to the police via the Drone Unit of Police Airwing for the operation of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS)/drones in efforts to curb the spread of Covid-19.

Royal Malaysian Air Force

Royal Malaysian Air Force helps in humanitarian mission by sending medical supplies, medical equipment, and PPEs to East Malaysian states of Sabah and Sarawak on the island of Borneo. The Royal Malaysian Air Force H225M helicopter could reach remote areas to deliver food supplies. For example, during MCO, the Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF) deployed Airbus A400 M aircraft to support Covid-19 relief operations. An Airbus A400M aircraft belonged to Royal Malaysian Air Force was used to transport critical medical supplies, equipment, and personal protective equipment (PPE) to the East Malaysian states of Sabah and Sarawak. The supplies included around three million face masks.

Fire & Rescue Department Air Wing

Fire & Rescue Department Air Wing together with the Royal Malaysian Air Force helps in distributing medical supplies and food supplies in red zone area to ensure the continuous supplies received by those whom movement is restricted especially in rural and high-risk infectious area. Other than that, they also help in sanitizing contaminated area.

PLUS helicopters (general aviation)

PLUS Helicopters provides medivac service covers inter-hospital transfers for seriously ill or injured patients, and emergency and critical care transfers from accident scenes to a tertiary care facilities within short time. Other than that, PLUS Helicopters provide Aerial Photographs or also known as Air Photography that are invaluable aids for boundary disputes, surveillance, planning, development monitoring and mapping of national highway. For example, PLUS Heli is used to monitor traffic movement to ensure public is obeying the movement restriction order and stay at their home.

In one paragraph or two (more the better to clarify your points), explain the impact of Covid-19 to the airlines worldwide. You must support your arguments with some figures available from the public domain and/or specific airlines. You may also include the examples from the Malaysian airline industry.

According to IATA,the Covid-19 pandemic impact is worse compared to the 9/11 terrorists attacks as airlines worldwide is facing downfall in numbers of air traffic demand especially in the Asia-Pacific region by 34% to 44% of downfall. The decline records of collapse due to the restriction of travel and flight cancellations. The IATA represented 290 carriers stated that airlines worldwide would lose $252 billion in revenue this year as travel demand slumps.

Kenya Airlines appealing for cash bailout from the government so that they can continue operation for at least another six months. The airlines are run out of money as their international flights is grounded to help curb the coronavirus.

United Airlines reported of net loss of USD 1.7m in the first quarter of 2020. The company also expecting cash burn to average USD 4o million to USD 45 million for the second quarter of 2020. With the expected damage, the airlines had taken several actions to mitigate the pandemic impact to their company including terminated share repurchase program on 29th April after Covid-19 spread in Italy and suspended merit salary increases for management and administrative employees and freeze hiring.

The Malaysian Aviation industry is facing 39% fall in demand according to IATA. AirAsia group Berhad reported second quarterly losses and miss its own internal target for 2020 due to flight cancellations and travel restrictions. Net operating loss for the quarter was reported at RM373.9 million. AirAsia Group has temporarily hibernated most of its fleet across the network. Its management and senior employees have also volunteered a salary sacrifice, ranging from 100% at the very top to 15%, in their effort to further manage and contain costs.The national flag carrier, Malaysia AIRLINES Berhad, has reportedly offered the possibility of taking a 3 month unpaid leave or 5 days unpaid leave per month for its 13,000 employees (including Malaysia Aviation Group’s (MAG’s) subsidiary, such as MAB Kargo, MAB Engineering, Firefly and MASwings).

Malaysia Airlines Berhad, similar to other international airlines worldwide, is hard hit by the Covid-19 pandemic. Explain the roles of Malaysia Airlines Berhad, being the national carrier, to help the country and its people during the Covid-19 pandemic. Your explanation to be at least one paragraph or two to clarify your points.

As the world is fighting against the global pandemic, Malaysia Airlines Berhad is committed in ensuring the citizens of Malaysia abroad to be reunited with their loved ones in Malaysia.

Malaysia Airlines had operating a chartered rescue flights to New Zealand as the Government of New Zealand announced travel ban from 20 March 2020. The Airbus A330-300 aircraft was used during the operations from Auckland,New Zealand to Kuala Lumpur.

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Introduction to Air Transport and Aviation Industry. (2022, Sep 07). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/introduction-to-air-transport-and-aviation-industry/

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