Importance of Political Science for Changing

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“The method of political science is the interpretation of life; its instrument is insight, a nice understanding of subtle, unformulated conditions” (Woodrow Wilson). The importance of political science in society is that in order to move forward we must understand how essential it is for us to know our surroundings, to participate in the daily decisions that are being made, and to voice our concerns. When the abuse and misuse of power occurs, it is important to demonstrate repercussions for such actions; and without people speaking up for their civil rights and liberties nothing would change.

It is pivotal to understand basic human freedoms, at least the ones granted in the United States Constitution and Declaration of Independence. Without the people, the government ceases to exist, which is why the United States is called a government of people for the people by the people. It is a sorrowful fact that politics is thought to be relative only to those wishing to work in the field of politics and law. Politics is about life, and the life-changing decisions on a daily basis that affect everyone, especially minorities.

In order for a nation to move forward, its people must take the future into their own hands. Often seen as something distant, politics is a personal ordeal. Society changes according to certain policies enacted. To see only elite individuals of our society voice their interests and needs to expand their fortunes unbalances society. Everyone, despite their socio-economic status and background, should be able to express their voices.

When the different tiers of government implement certain policies and programs they are penalizing forms of behavior and rewarding others. Thus, individuals in these groups have an incentive to try to influence the final form of the policy environment. It is imperative to note that this incentive has greater impact on some groups than others. Today, interest and outreach groups are controlling our representatives. For example, the National Rifle Association as well the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, both groups try to influence legislation by providing funding and voter base.

With that being said, there are many reasons as to why I chose political science, but most importantly I wanted to offer my services to better the system for the less fortunate: women, immigrants, people of color, and all other underrepresented groups of people. I chose this field to learn how to be able to bring change not only to discrimination and discriminatory legislation but also societal prejudice institutes.

The biggest issues facing the field of politics right now are the gridlock and hyper political polarization. Republicans and Democrats are more divided along ideological lines – partisan hostility is deeper than at any point in the last two decades. These trends present themselves in innumerable ways, both in politics and in everyday life. According to Pew Research, a new survey of “10,000 adults nationwide find that these divisions are greatest among those who are the most engaged and active in the political process”.

In today’s society everything needs funding, campaigns especially, and when representatives are elected their main concern is their reelection. Senator Ben Sasse believes, “Congress is weaker than it has been in decades, the Senate isn’t tackling our great national problems, and this has little to do with who sits in the Oval Office… Both parties — Republicans and Democrats — are obsessed with political survival and incumbency.” By doing so, they forget their constituents back home and work for the ones funding their campaigns and ensuring their reelections.

Although the current system seems corrupt, I am beginning to see a change in political culture and political socialization. In ten years I see politics being controlled by uprising minorities, and millennials taking more action and voting on policies more. There has been much ignorance to the major problems facing generations Y and Z. Issues such as, minimum wage, taxes, tuition and more of the basic rights that are mostly affecting millennials and the upcoming youth. Albeit, it is impossible to know the future, the consensus is that 2016 changed views on political predictions. It was evident that norms were broken, that the current system is flawed and corrupt and it must be changed, and we are living through that change right now.

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Importance of Political Science for Changing. (2021, May 27). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/importance-of-political-science-for-changing/

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