How to Reduce Gun Violence

  • Updated October 26, 2021
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Every year, every month, every day, and every minute end the lives of thousands of young peers. Families and friends are left behind to cope with a life lived. There are many ways we as a society can take to reduce gun violence. We can have background checks, increase the age to buy a gun, and improve the mental health care system.

Increasing background checks which includes people with severe mental illness can identify individuals who are ineligible to purchase a gun and prevent them from obtaining one. Having background checks for mentally ill will affirms that he/she who is buying a gun does not have any mental disease medical history. Government Rick Scott of Florida called state lawmaker and law enforcement authorities to keep firearms away from the mentally ill. The new Florida Law allows courts and cops to seize guns from mentally ill.

In many situations when a patient is automatically admitted to a mental inpatient unit, it’s not because the mentally ill individual is a risk to other individuals. When the mentally ill patient is ill in case of depression or suicide, that person is at risk of harming itself. In psychiatric disorders, worries about damage to others occasionally emerge in acutely psychotic patients with paranoid delusions that persuade them to hurt others. This may happen in but is unlimited to schizophrenia, dementia, severe psychotic depression or psychotic bipolar illness. If the background checks not only check for criminal records but mental illness also, the gun violence can cut down a lot.

Increasing the age to purchase a gun to 25 can reduce gun violence. To buy a gun, you must be 18 or older. Many people who caused gun violence are between age 18 to 24. The science about brain development states that most people don’t reach full maturity until the age of 25. People that committed gun violence and mass shooting were mostly under the age of 25. The age of people from high-profile mass shootings in Charleston, S.C; Colorado, and Tucson were all under the age of 25 who bought their guns legally from dealers causing many deaths. People under the age 25 can buy a gun from anywhere like through a private seller, online, an advertisement, or a gun show. Increasing the age to buy a gun to 25 will lower the rate of deaths from gun violence

Improving the mental health care system can reduce the percent of mentally ill committing gun violence. Mentally ill patients can cause gun violence when their mental state and their brain is unbalanced. Two percent of mentally ill patients committed a violent act involving a gun. In rural areas, patients face shortages of behavioral health providers and cannot afford to go to urban areas just to get health care. If in the rural areas mental health care system is implemented to where they are being treated for their betterment and affordable for the ones who cannot afford, gun violence numbers will go down drastically. Along with that, we can prevent gun violence from young children who show early signs of mental health problems. Introducing mental health promotion into school curriculums or after-school activities is an investment in kids’ social and emotional learning. To curb the epidemic of shooting deaths, we must take steps to correct the health of the people of our nation.

Gun violence has problems on different levels including within local communities, politically and internationally. It is hard to say where improvements have been made. Some cities around the world may report a reduction in gun activity. Others, unfortunately, see an increase that has hurt their part of the world economically and socially. It would be a perfect world if we could settle our problems without getting angry and turning to the use of guns only in meaningful areas. In the meantime, people continue to hope for a better future with fewer guns in it.

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How to Reduce Gun Violence. (2021, Oct 26). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/how-to-reduce-gun-violence/

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