How Suffering Makes People Unite

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People will always suffer unless they accept the whole truth about the world, The ugly truths in this world and in life have been hidden by falsely religious hands and so people live blinded by make-believer Why can’t people be relieved from their sufferings? Thomas Henry Huxley explains that to lessen your sufferings you must simply look at the world truthfully and wholly without the make-believe stories that come from religion used to hide the ugly features of this world. However, I completely disagree. Suffering can be defined in many different ways. Each person has certain things that they struggle with and suffer from individually.

On the other hand, there are some things that entire nations, continents, or even the majority of the world suffer from. From almost the beginning of time, people have turned to some kind of superior being or religion to justify and explain these sufferings, The Greeks justified famine, drought, and flood, among many things, by inventing tales of the gods and their anger towards humans The Egyptians and the Romans also had myths used to explain things that happened in this world, In any of these examples, I do not think that these make-believe stories caused more suffering; on the other hand I think that these stories of gods and the reasons for certain events alleviated some of the human-kinds suffering People desire to understand, and when there is reasoning behind something it is easier for us to do so. Humans suffer less when they can understand why something is happening, even if their understanding comes from make-believe stories.

Now that we have come across many scientific discoveries, it is easier for us to understand why things happen in the natural world. We know what causes tornadoes, earthquakes, hurricanes, and tsunamis; however the knowledge of knowing why these things occur does not alleviate the suffering that exists. People are not naive enough to believe myths of angry gods anymore. There is nothing that can alleviate these sufferings besides the veracity of thought and action as Huxley has said, but to say that suffering can be alleviated by “stripping off the garment of make-believe by which pious hands have hidden its uglier feature” is not true at all, Firstly, it is not make-believe anymore.

We now know that what the Greeks and Romans and Egyptians believed was simply just made-up stories. However, as we have come across many scientific discoveries, we have also come across many, many things that support religion. During times of suffering, people unite under similar religious beliefs. When I visited New York, I got the opportunity to visit Ground Zero, the site of the 9/11 attacks, and I visited a church directly across the street from where the towers stood, When the 9/11 attacks occurred every building in a certain vicinity of the towers suffered some kind of damage, except for the church, which did not even have a broken window. This small church then began to do huge things to help alleviate the suffering in New York This by itself proves that “pious hands” do help alleviate suffering.

When the Boston bombings occurred earlier this year, the United States lived up to its name and their pledge of allegiance and was “united under God‘K Social media was blowing up with pictures, stories, and prayers for Boston, As i have said, 1 completely disagree with what Huxley has said I think that during times of suffering people need to unite under God and turn to Him and each other for support because He has promised to take care of us, Everyone suffers in some way, shape, or form, but to say that “pious hands have hidden its [the world] uglier features” is not true at all.

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How Suffering Makes People Unite. (2023, Jun 27). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/how-suffering-makes-people-unite/

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