How Does Cannabis Work in the Body

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Usually when someone or a patient consumes, ingest or as a they say burnout a joint, cannabis,or any marijuana related substance of other related forms, a chemical substance known as THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol) and other of its constiuents are passed into the user’s body. These chemicals are transformed and transported in the in the body through the bloodstream to the brain first and then to the rest of the body. This compound as it is refer to, chemically as one of the most potent chemical compound in marijuana, which is accountable for the ‘high sensation ‘ associated with intake of the drug and other related ones.

Smoking is the most popular method used by users of the cannabis drug which coincidentally is also the most expedient or easiest way to get the THC mainly and other chemicals into the bloodstream. When a person inhales smoke from cannabis, the THC goes directly to the respiratory organs especially the lungs. This lungs which biologically lined with millions of alveoli,which are small air-containing compartment of the lungs in which the bronchioles terminate and from which respiratory gases are exchanged with the pulmonary capillaries, the tiny air sacs where gas exchange occurs. These alveoli have an enormous surface area which is greater than that of the skin, therefore leaving more than enough room for the THC and other substances to enter the body. The lungs then takes in the smoke just seconds after inhalation. Vaporizers, which heat the cannabis sufficiently to vaporize its active component without burning it, provide an inhalable alternative to smoking. Marijuana is also edible, taking it into the stomach with the body digesting it there and the blood taking it to the liver and the rest of the body. Although the eating of marijuana only allows little of THC to escape into the body [source: Gieringer and Rosenthal].

When marijuana is inhaled or consumed in the body, the chemical (THC); ‘which is one of the drugs that affects the mind and behaviours of users’, travels all over the body and eventually reaches the brain where it will starts it’s work and reactions. Users describe the after- effect of the use of marijuanna as relaxing, lightheadedness, pupil dilation, heigtened senses and intenseness of colours. The brain has a group of cannabinoid receptors that are responsible for mild amnesia, loss of coordination, learning and problem solving. These receptors are activated by neurotransmitters called anandamides, which is in fact a natural cannabinoid created by the body.

High concentrations of cannabinoid receptors exist in the hippocampus, cerebellum and basal ganglia which sits within the temporal lobe and is important for short-term memory. When the THC binds with the cannabinoid receptors inside the hippocampus, it is respomsible for inabilty to recollect recent events.

The Science of the Endocannabinoid Network

After several tenths of a century of medical investigation, scientists studying the science of marijuana, its use and it’s spiralling effects made several important unearthing. Not only did they find the active ingredient and major component in marijuana, they also discovered where and how it works in the brain—via a new system they called the endocannabinoid (EC) system.

This is a subjective dispatch system between the brain and the body that affects or change the different functions of the body system. The chemicals that is created by the body naturally that interact within the EC system is called the cannabinoid.

When a subject use cannabis the EC system is overwhelmed by the THC in the substance, which quickly connects and attach themselves to the cannabinoid admittor through the body and the brain, interfering with the cannbinoids original assignment which is finetuning connection between neurons of the body thereby disbalancing the body system.Because cannabinoid receptors are in so many parts of the brain and body, the outcomes of THC are wide-ranging: It can slow down a person’s reaction time (which can impair driving or athletic skills), disrupt the ability to remember things, that is leading to forgetting recent happenings anxietal problems, and affect judgment. THC also affects parts of the brain that make a person feel good—this is what gives people the feeling of being “high.” But over time THC can change how the EC system works in these brain areas, which can lead to problems with memory, addiction, and mental health.

Endocannabinoid Defficiency System

Endocannabinoids are known to be secreted by vertevrates like birds, fishes,reptiles, birds and humans in their organs. (research is still being done on invertebrates) naturally. In fact,so is the origin of the nomenclature. The prefix “endo,” literally means “made in the body.”Endocannabinoids are part of the more complicated endocannabinoid system that regulates appetite, pain sensation, mood, memory, and so much more.There are three essential parts to the endocannabinoid system namely; Endocannabinoids (anandamide, 2-arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG), n-arachidonoyl dopamine (NADA), and virodhamine (OAE)),

Endocannabinoid receptors (CB1 and CB2) and Endocannabinoid-moderating enzymes (such as MAGL and FAAH).

Endocannabinoid system is governed by body enzymes in order to raise their levels or signal their obliteration in way of downgrading their levels. Because of their lipidous nature, they latch unto receptor cells to make positive changes in the changes in the nervous system.

Research published in Neuroendocrinology Letters reviewed scientific publications to study the concept of CECD and the possibility that endocannabinoid deficiency can cause migraines. This us due to the replacement of the anandimide which is originally in charge of migraines and also influences the periaqueductal gray matter – an area known as the “migraine generator” in the brain. It is also responsible for the obstruction of the spinal, peripheral and gastrointestinal actions, which is connected to pains in headache and irritable bowel conditions. That is increasing cannabinoid levels may reduce symptoms associated with clinical endocannabinoid deficiency syndrome. Lastly there are many factors that affects the serving size of CBD oil for the tackling of cannabinoid deficiency syndrome demanding largely on the variations in individual systems.

The COR Serving Standard is 25mg of CBD, taken twice daily.

If this amount does not have any impact, our analysis also suggests increasing the amount of CBD you are using by 25mg every 3-4 weeks until you have found the results you are after.


This is the most common method of marijuana usage in the world, either by rolling it into joints or smoking in a pipe or bong. It can also be mixed with tobacco which is called blunt.

However, marijuana usage symptoms are related to stints of unusual creativity and ingenuity, especially unusual in moments of addiction stages ( like when they run out of rolling papers). They can fashion bongs and pipes out of soda bottles or cans, corn cobs, and even pieces of fruit. There have not been connection between marijuana smoking lung cancer, but long term usage may increase the risk of bronchitis.


A new method of cannabis consumption which include heating the cannabis to a point below combustion. This keeps the harmful smoke away by converting them into vapour.which heats any form of cannabis to 165–190 °C (329–374 °F), [64] causing the active building blocks to evaporate into vapor without burning the plant material (the boiling point of THC is 157 °C (315 °F) at atmospheric pressure). Pros of this method include; less marijuana ingested than smoking, and portability and ability to be concealed.

Oral Ingestion

Nowadays there are alot of instances where marijuana is being baked, fried and put into different kind of food substances,Oils extracted from cannabis plants can also be used in cooking, baking, or simply mixing with food to create a variety of products that can be ingested orally or taken in capsule form (known as marijuanna caps or weed pills). While many people perceive marijuana ingestion to be less harmful than smoking, research suggests that marijuana overdose occurs more frequently from the consumption of cannabis laced cookies and similar treats.

Marijuana Tinctures

Tinctures are marijuana plants extracted fluids that are infused with a solution of alcohol or alcohol and water. The user places a few drops of the solution under the tongue and it is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream. Because this form of cannabis is highly condensed, highly potent, and fast-acting, it is generally used for medical purposes, but because it produces an intense high, is often abused.

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How Does Cannabis Work in the Body. (2022, Jul 08). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/how-does-cannabis-work-in-the-body/

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