“Hope is Being Able to See the Light Despite all the Darkness” Argumentative Essay

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Focus on the good English essay: Micaela Sanderson

Desmond Tutu once said, “Hope is being able to see the light despite all the darkness.” It whispers, “you’ll overcome this hardship, it continues to soothe our minds are remind us that life will improve.

Our lives are so often infused with pain and suffering. Some people experience more of this pain than others, yet everyone can overcome hardship with just a little bit of hope. Hope provides us with strength to defeat misery and despair, caused by misfortune and heartache. Such as the feeling of rejection, or when you do not make a sporting team due to bad trials, these are all bad memories we all would wish to forget. This is where hope motivates us to persevere, into the darkness to journey onward despite the challengers you might face that end up blocking the trail of life, despite knowing when or where or how our life’s story will end.

The dictionary describes hope as a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen. An ideal is satisfying one’s conception of what is perfect and most suitable. Hope is also used in connection with religion, it is the feeling of safety one feels in the hands of another. Hope is compelling because its universal. It crosses all human boundaries: age, race, gender, ethnicity and religious, political. Everyone needs it and almost everyone exhibits at least some measure of hope if they have made it this far in life.

It is simply just not enough to just wish for something to happen. Hope is more important because it involves the will to get there and different paths along the way that you choose to take. Many paths on the way, are the different choices you have along the road of life, these decisions can impact your life in many ways. Life is difficult and it takes lots of mistakes for you to learn the right way. Yet hope allows you to keep going down those different roads, to see things different and to try and make the right idea for you. Hope is in the definition of the word faith. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, therefore faith without work is meaningless. For example, if you wish on something but do nothing to try and achieve or work towards it, then it is of no use. For us to fulfil our ideal of hope, we must act. Fulfilling our image of hope is different for everyone. Everyone has different situations that they hope are perfect, the perfect hockey match we hope for, the models face, the perfect bikini body, the truth is humans are never happy with what they are given. They continue to hope and wish for what they do not have instead of being grateful for what you do have.

There are many benefits of being hopeful. Hope is a remedy for all sorts of hardships and misfortunes. Hope also allows us to cope with stressful events, hope motivates us to persevere through stressful or painful events that may happen in our life. Hope assists the sick person in getting well, encouraging them to push on and do what it takes to get better. It comforts the dying and gives them courage to carry on and face the unknown, that there is life beyond death. It comforts those that go through the five stages of grief.

According to positive Psychologists who have studied the science behind happiness, hope is a signature strength that improves our wellbeing, providing peace of mind, contentment, and joy.

Hope is not wishful thinking or magical thinking, hope is an emotion, a mindset, a belief that you choose, a motivation to carry on through hardships and anger, you believe that your life will work out despite the unknown events that may happen along the way, and you believe that when you take your last breath you believe there is something more waiting for you beyond this world.

You can do unimaginable things when you have hope. Christopher Reeves, a former actor who became paralyzed, after being thrown from a horse and then forced to live many years strapped to a wheelchair, breathing from a ventilator once said, “ Once you choose hope, anything’s possible!”


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“Hope is Being Able to See the Light Despite all the Darkness” Argumentative Essay. (2020, Sep 19). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/hope-is-being-able-to-see-the-light-despite-all-the-darkness/



Is light despite all of the darkness?
Hope is being able to see that there is light, despite all of the darkness . ' – Desmond Tutu.
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The meaning of hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness. Hope is what gives us the strength to keep going despite all of the odds.
Who wrote the quote hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness?
The quote "hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness" was written by Desmond Tutu.
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