Happiness in ‘The Basic Works of Aristotle’

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In the book of “The Basic Works of Aristotle”, Aristotle begins Nicomachean Ethics by trying to answer the question of ‘What the ultimate purpose of human existence is?”. He explains that there must be one end of all human actions, because a human action is one which is done on purpose and as an end goal. Aristotle suggests that we might arrive at a clearer understanding of happiness if we could first establish function of a human being . He explains that every part our body has a function and the good or the will lies within the function and he describes in more detail how understanding the function will clarify his answer for the question.

The solid argument establishes that the human function is ‘‘the dynamic life of the component that has a balanced value’’. The human good therefore is the movement of the rational part of the soul presented well in conjunction with virtue. Aristotle explains that action may be performed for a limited goal that can lead to a big goal which is a means to another even bigger goal, until the end is reached. The argument further examines that ‘‘for all things that have a function, all the good thought to exist in the function’’.

In the book, Aristotle basically states that anything that is valuable has a function because it works for a reason as a mean to something that is greater good. All smaller goods, such as honor, money, and pleasure etc. are not desired for themselves but in order to get to something bigger and the ultimate destiny which is happiness. He states that the highest good is happiness which was final and autonomous. Aristotle is basically arguing that all the material things we pursue work as a function and temporary to get to something higher and ultimate.

Aristotle explains, “since everything like ears, a foot, and or hand has functions, human beings must also have a function because of our shared human nature, our function must also be the same”. He further breaks down the function of human involving the exercise of a distinctive power not shared by any living things. Furthermore, Aristotle argues that rationalizing is only unique to humans which makes human very different creation from everything else. He argues in premise, “If something has a function, it’s good because it will keep on performing that function with virtue, Therefore, human being’s happiness involves accomplishing human function rationally”. Since human beings have a function as well as rationalizations, their happiness will include in life committed to living in virtues ways.

Happiness can be the highest good because it is something that we choose or not choose to be. True happiness is to be virtuous not for the money, popularity, or anything materialistic but solely for living righteously. Material goods will eventually regress because they are a temporary thing we use as a mean to get to the end goal, and the function of human beings is to be in harmony with reason for the end goal of happiness.

It’s might be true that happiness is the ultimate end but who said it is the ultimate end for all of us now. We say that we are happy when we are enjoying a beautiful weather at the beach which does not mean the highest end but a temporary mean. I am happy for that moment and not forever because it is impossible to stay happy ultimately. Everyone is different and have different end than what Aristotle argues for. I believe that happiness is thinking irrationally instead of rationally. For example, one might fall in love with a wrong person and when one falls in love, one is not thinking reasonably but irrationally.

How can one think correctly with the right state of mind when one is blind by the fact that they are in love? I argue that happiness is not always thinking rationally with reasons but to thinking irrationally to be happy. One might think that taking justice in their own hands might give them happiness, but this is thinking irrationally instead of with reason. I believe that, Happiness is getting what is wanted in life, this is being happy, therefore, doing wrong can make one happy. Thinking wrong, acting wrong, and being wrong can all make a person happy, but this is not thinking rationally. Happiness is thinking irrationally.

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Happiness in ‘The Basic Works of Aristotle’. (2021, Mar 17). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/happiness-in-the-basic-works-of-aristotle/

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