George Orwell’s Animal Farm Book Review

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George Orwell’s Animal Farm is a fascinating book which describes the Russian Revolution. Although the film is animated, George did well to make sure the novel presented the message of the revolution. George gave the impression that the book followed along the lines of the Russian Revolution by pointing out the names of the three pigs, the animals, and reminding us of the plot.

Many animals that live in the farm are very similar to the people in the Russian Revolution. Most of these animals represent the well known characters, Such as Napoleon, Who represents Vladimir Lenin. After reading the stories of the rebellion to the Battle for the Windmill, the audience began to read about how life began to change. When Mr. Jones was ran out of his own farm,Three pigs from the farm (Squealer, Snowball and Napoleon) take leadership roles. These animals were the major founders of the revolution. This plays a major part in the film, Showing how each one’s personality changes. Napoleon was a tough, ferocious leader, but he wasn’t a good speaker. There shows that he clears impersonates Vladimir Lenin.

After the fall of the Tsar Nikolas II, This character would assume leadership. Squealer took on the interesting personal of Joseph Stalin, His advertising campaigns are Inspirational quotes to ensure that Lenin stays in power. Snowball character was Trotsky because, similar to Trotsky, Snowball broke up with Lenin. Three pigs reenact the storyline of the Russian Revolution. These events included treason, propaganda and communism. Another way he expands the story of the Revolution into his book is explaining how the three dictators were pigs, which shows how the name and visual aspect of the characters in this book are important to the revolution. This shows how the leaders in real life are similar to the animals in Animal Farm

During the story, most of the farm animals lived in poor conditions, However the leaders had luxurious living quarters. Initially, there is a horrible farmer who neglects his animals. Everyday there is more work and less to eat. This portrayed the Revolution in Russia, and how the populus starved. Only in the very early stages of the revolution, the economy was slightly better than the past. Each part of the story that Orwell describes, is in a similar state of the Russian Revolution. As for the strength of Napoleon, agriculture has been a great help troubleshoot problems: always hungry animals, pigs and dogs grief known. This shows that the economic system can not be used more and live life, but begin to serve the members of other classes that lead to the top of the Russian Revolution. How the economy depends on agriculture of the Russian Revolution.

How to end the revolution Orwell combining animal and the Russian Revolution is the story secret. In the book completely, all events with at least a point topography, which is little impact on the Russian Revolution. Napoleon describes bloody Sunday when he was killed by his sleep itself. At the beginning of the novel, when the Old Mayor gave his resistance, he was inspired by the old man and the name of Karl Marx. Molly weighting resolve the relationship between the two.

The easiest way is to find a place where they leave a boxer. If you want to go back to the revolution and to associate code box (hard drive), you can easily see the boxer who work on behalf of Russia. Most of the employees are very loyal to Russia Napoleon, and most of them severely damaged. What’s worse, Napoleon had leaked these people as tools. The same thing applies to the Russian revolution. Lenin followed the third, and Orwell clearly prove it.

I think George pointed out the name of the three pigs, the animals, and the story a secret, remind revolution animals in the Russian revolution. To present a series of symbols and events, George Orwell describes the revolution in the book that can be announced relief for people young and old.


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George Orwell’s Animal Farm Book Review. (2020, Sep 10). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/george-orwells-animal-farm-book-review/



Is Animal Farm a good book to read?
Animal Farm is on the Time 100 list, The Modern Library List of Best 20th-Centuray Novels, the 1001 List of Books to Read Before you Die, and it has won numerous other accolades . The book has 3,367 customer reviews on Amazon. The average rating was 4.5 stars and only 3% were 1 star reviews.
What age should read Animal Farm?
Animal Farm is a novel written by George Orwell. The novel is about the rise of the Soviet Union. The novel is suitable for readers who are interested in history and politics.
What is George Orwell's main message in Animal Farm?
George Orwell's main message in Animal Farm is that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
What is the review of Animal Farm?
George Washington was the first president of the United States of America. He was elected in 1789 and served until 1797.
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