Essays about Fear Page 3

26 essay samples on this topic

Essay Examples

Essay topics


The Effect Of Fear On A Person

Pages 3 (583 words)


John Proctor

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Philosophy View of Fear of Death

Pages 6 (1 384 words)



Personal Philosophy

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Fear and Despair in Elie Wiesel’s Night

Pages 3 (614 words)

Elie Wiesel


Night by Elie Wiesel


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Fear In Plays Arthur Miller Narrative Essay

Pages 4 (979 words)

Arthur Miller



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Death and Dying: Choosing the Nature of Death 

Pages 6 (1 493 words)




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The Red Badge of Courage by Stephen Crane Summary

Pages 2 (442 words)



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Check a list of useful topics on Fear selected by experts

A comparison of the attitudes to fear in

A Summary of Alan Dershowitz’s “Why Fear National ID Cards?”

Ablutophobia: The Fear of Washing and Bathing

Anuptaphobia – Fear of Staying Single

Approaches to Working With Fear and Sadness

Arachnophobia: Fear of Spiders

Christina Rossetti And The Fear Of Sense

Coulrophobia is My Biggest Fear

Critical Analysis of Where the Mind Is Without Fear

Critical Review of Fear and Loathing in New York by Jennifer Hicks

Cult Activity and the Fear that Surrounds it

Deepest Fear

Definition of Fear

Does the Media Affect People’s Fear of Crime?

Donnie Darko: Fear and Love

Edgar Allen Poe’s Fear of Premature Burial

Essayon Fear in James Joyce’s Eveline from Dubliners

Eveline Fear of the Unknown

Facing My Greatest Fear

Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas

Fear and Learning at Hoover Elementary

Fear and Loathing across Party Lines

Fear and Loathing Postmodernism

Fear and Trembling in Las Vegas

Fear Essay Topics

Fear in “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God”

Fear in Behaviorist and Cognitive Perspectives

Fear in News and Violence in Media

Fear motivation

Fear no more the heat of the sun

Fear of the Unknown

Fear of the Unknown in The Lord Of The Flies

Greatest Fear and Shyness in my Life

Horror films: Fear Psychology

How and to what extent fear is socially constructed?

Lord of the Flies: Fear of the Unknown

Machiavelli: Fear

Machiavelli’s Philosophy: Fear or Love?

Media and the Fear of Crime: A Research Proposal

Mr Darrow and Fear of God


It is important to learn how to deal with life’s fears and anxieties. This is because it is not a guarantee that life will not bring this to your table. Many are the times that the worst happens to us without even asking. This is the trying moment for most people but there are tips to assist you during such times. Go through the fear essays to find out more about this.
The following are some of the ways to help you fight fears:
Face your fears- This is the very first way to overcome your fears. Acknowledge that you have fears and then face them with courage. Problems are to be dealt with as you cannot assume that they don’t exist. Likewise, deal with the fears boldly.

Talk about it- Problem shared is half solved. Look for someone you can trust and who can understand you. In that way, you will feel relieved of the burden and trust me, it will help greatly. Have a glance at fear essay samples to assist you in dealing with these fears.

Take time out- Its normal to feel burdened by fears and anxieties. At this point, try to take a walk around or look for an activity that will occupy your mind.

Overcome life’s fears and anxieties today with the help of these tips and also reading essays about fear.

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