Cyber Bullying Essay Examples and Research Papers
21 essay samples on this topic
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Cyber bullying has been around for many years and in various forms or fashion. With the development of new technology today, cyber bullying is one of the most difficult issues for legislators, law-enforcement officers, teachers, and our society to deal with and try to resolve. Cyber bullying is when individuals uses this new technology to harass, embarrass, post lewd pictures or words, and humiliate individuals on the internet through different sites for other to read and view. As teens increasingly use the internet and their mobile phones, cyber bullying has become more frequent, especially among teens.
Today, individuals are all well-connected to the internet and technological devices. The world that we once knew where one had to wait to hear from someone or just go down the street to use a phone has changed at an alarming rate. The internet has opened up a new world of opportunities and possibilities for ourselves and our teens, and also has opened up new dangers in the use of the internet and chat-sites as well. With the use of the internet teens as well as adults have arrived face-to-fact with a new way of being bullied and that is cyber bullying through space. Teenagers are faced with cyber bullying more than adults because teens spend more time visiting difficult sites than adults. The internet was always a dangerous place because of all the viruses, worms and other problems that affect the internet, but it has also become a dangerous place for teens to be bullied.
Cyber bullying has been taken to a new level by social networking. Before the advancement of technology teens and children at school was bullied, but today they are targeted relentless by bullies on line and by other electronic devices. Individuals who decides to cyber bully a person has no reason to do it. Most cyber bullies bully so they can have control and feel more powerful over the individual that is being tormented. Cyber bullies need to feel that they are in charge by targeting certain individuals and some think it’s funny to tease and make fun of other. Many bullies are unaware of the harmful effect cyber bullying may have on the individual, and some just don’t care about what the negative impact of cyber bullying will do to the victim. A cyber bully will do just about anything to boost his ego, and some type of reaction from the victim. Once the reaction is set, the cyber bully is in control.
Bullying has been around for decades and it is said that bullying is as old as humanity, but the research into bullying is relatively young. It is stated in an article that Susan Swearer was one of the first researches in the United States to do research on bullying. Bullying has been a part of children’s growing up life for ages, and bullying mostly happens in schools and on the playground. Some children would bully other children by name-calling and at times it may become physically. According to Hinduja and Patchn (2011), kids have been bullying each other for generations. The latest generation, however, has been able to utilize technology to expand their reach and the extent of their harm. This phenomenon is being called cyber bullying, defined as: “willful and repeated harm inflicted through the use of computers, cell phones, and other electronic devices.
With the advancement of technology and with teens constantly using the internet for different reasons, bullies now have an online platform that they can us, and one special space that is readily available is social media.
With the evolution of electronic devices, cyber bullying is imminent through mobile phones and text messages, internet, twitter and others. According to Taylor, Fritsch & Liederbach (2015), which states, “Cyber bullying is particular is different from real-world bullying because the perpetrators can reach their victims at all hours, day or night”. Cyber bullying situations for most individuals are different, but one thing that is similar in all bullying cases is humiliation for the victim. Everyone has been bullied at some point in their lives, but today because of the fast moving of the new technologies that are in place, it has become a problem mostly for young adults and teens.