Case Study Essay Samples and Papers Page 2

23 essay samples on this topic

Essay Examples

Essay topics

Case Study: Error Analysis of Turkish EFL Learner

Pages 3 (748 words)

Case Study



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Case Study: Management of the Care Planned

Pages 4 (793 words)

Case Study


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Kobe Steel Ethical Issues Case Study

Pages 5 (1 208 words)

Business Ethics

Case Study

Virtue Ethics

Open Document

Existential Therapy Case Study

Pages 3 (747 words)

Case Study



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Case Study Tyco International: Leadership Crisis

Pages 5 (1 243 words)

Case Study


Open Document

Law – Liability in Contract and Tort

Pages 10 (2 256 words)

Case Study



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Moral Philosophy and Cases of Moral Dilemma

Pages 6 (1 380 words)

Case Study



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An Exploration of Hate Crime Against Homosexuals: A Case Study of Port Shepstone Rural Communities

Pages 5 (1 017 words)

Case Study


Hate Crime

Open Document

Criminal Justice Case Analysis

Pages 3 (574 words)

Case Study


Criminal Justice

Open Document

Case Study Analysis From Teenager’s Life

Pages 3 (582 words)


Case Study




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Developing a Fictional Case Study Essay (Critical Writing)

Analysis of English and Dutch Auctions, Sealed-Bid First-Price and Vickery Auctions Case Study

City Issues: Liverpool (Australia), Sydney, and Paris Case Study

Government Intervention in Intermodal Transportation Case Study

Case Study: Parental Dispute Report (Assessment)

Drug Addiction Treatment for a Pregnant Woman Case Study

Evaluating Risks and Decisions: A Samsung Case Study Essay

Ryanair and EasyJet Firms’ Strategies Case Study

Harvard and Yale: Comparing Information Security Policies Case Study

Applying Health Belief Model in Practice Case Study

Educator Ethics: The Case Study Case Study

Social Media Case Study: Nike’s #YouCantStopUs Campaign Case Study

Disparate Impact and Disparate Treatment: Griggs v. Duke Power Company Case Study

Irish Aviation Safety Management and Strategies Case Study

Data Analysis Using a Case Study Research Paper

Preventing Heart Failure: Case Study Essay

Cyberstalking and Cyberbullying Laws in Kentucky Case Study

Ethics and Society: Black Lives Matter Movement Case Study

Argumentative Essay Topics:

The International Olympic Committee’s Ethical Issues Case Study

Cost of Goods Sold & Favorable Variance: Aviation Industry Case Study

Marmot Strategic Situation: Case Study Report (Assessment)

Free Case Study Examples

Tesla Inc. Dealing with Risk and Uncertainty Case Study

Sustainable Urban Design and Transportation Case Study

The Science of Statistics: The Target Audience of the Research Case Study

Pharmaceutical Company’s Employee Dissatisfaction Case Study

Case Study of Hong Kong Shanghai Banking Capital Essay

Whip Whitaker in the Movie Flight by Zemeckis Case Study

Singapore International Airline 2006 Case Study

Examining The Boeing 737 MAX Case Study Case Study

The Role of the United States in World War II Case Study

Presence Across Social Media Networks: Barilla Case Study Report (Assessment)

Future Tourist Value in the UAE Hospitality Industry Case Study

The Mattel Inc. Company’s Failure Case Study

Negligent Recruitment in McDonald’s Legal Case Case Study

Plaintiff’s Requirements: Minimizing the Injury Risks for the Skiers Case Study

Case Study of Abnormal Behavior Essay

Counterterrorism and Intelligence Case Study

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