Bipolar Disorder Essay Examples and Research Papers

15 essay samples on this topic

Essay Examples

Essay topics


Symptoms and Treatments of Bipolar Disorder

Pages 8 (1 999 words)

Bipolar Disorder

Mental Illness

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Bipolar Disorder Paper 

Pages 8 (1 793 words)

Bipolar Disorder

Mental Illness

Open Document

Types of Bipolar Disorder

Pages 4 (976 words)

Bipolar Disorder


Mental Illness

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Lamotrigine Effects on Bipolar Disorder

Pages 10 (2 395 words)

Bipolar Disorder

Mental Illness

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Manic-Depressive Illness Cause And Effect Essay

Pages 5 (1 218 words)

Bipolar Disorder

Mental Illness

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Dangerous Disorder – Bipolar Disorder

Pages 4 (803 words)

Bipolar Disorder

Mental Illness

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What is a Bipolar Disorder?

Pages 7 (1 508 words)

Bipolar Disorder

Mental Illness

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The Distinguishing Characteristics of the Bipolar Disorder

Pages 6 (1 379 words)


Bipolar Disorder

Open Document

The Curing Process of Bipolar Disorder

Pages 3 (725 words)

Bipolar Disorder

Mental Illness

Psychological Disorders

Open Document

Characteristic of Bipolar Disorder

Pages 2 (380 words)

Bipolar Disorder

Mental Illness

Open Document
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A Review of Mood Disorders and Bipolar Disorder in Adults

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About Bipolar Disorder in Book “An Unquiet Mind” by Dr. Jamison

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Biological Approach Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar Disorder – Manic Depressive Illness

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Bipolar Disorder Can Be Attributed to Heredity

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Bipolar Disorder Symptoms and Treatments

Bipolar Disorder Treatment Features Case Study

Define bipolar disorder in psychology

Mental Illnesses in Films: Depiction of Bipolar Disorder in Silver Linings Playbook

Mood Disorders: Major Depression and Bipolar Disorder

Mozart and Bipolar Disorder

Qualitative Research Critique on Study on People with Bipolar Disorder

Symptoms and Treatment of Bipolar Disorder

The Act of Bipolar Disorder

The Bipolar Disorder In Early Years

The Psychopathology of Bipolar Disorder

The Weird Ways of Bipolar Disorder in Teens

Treatment of Bipolar Disorder

Types of Accommodations and Bipolar Disorder Report

Types Of Depression And Bipolar Disorder

Understanding The Facts Surrounding Bipolar Disorder


Bipolar disorder essay is a severe illness that interferes with your ability to work, study and have relationships. It can make you feel like you’re “in a dark hole” or the “raging sea,” according to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH).
A bipolar disorder essay samples, report, or other writing should focus on the following:
The signs and symptoms of bipolar disorder, including mania or hypomania – The genetic connection to bipolar disorder essay – How bipolar disorder affects day-to-day life
A good introduction of an essay on bipolar disorder will include an overview of this mental illness. A quick breakdown includes the following information:
Bipolar disorder is a mental illness that causes severe mood disorders.
Bipolar I disorder includes severe mania and extreme depression, while bipolar II involves hypomania and milder depression.
Neither bipolar I nor II personality types are considered normal behavior in a person but reflect an individual with a medical condition who must seek treatment.
Bipolar disorder cannot be cured, but the symptoms can be successfully managed through treatment and lifestyle changes.

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