This summer I read a book entitled Outliers, writing by Malcolm Gladwell. Of all the five concepts that I studied, Success and Failure is the one I chose to write about. Success is defined as the accomplishment or aim of a purpose”. Failure is also define as the lack of success and as minor fault or defect. Being successful is not an easy thing to accomplish, the achievement of success is by reaching your goals that you set with the happiness that comes with it. In other to become successful you must experience failure.
In other for students to become successful, he or she must keep active ,have self confidence and also learn to participate in class. Aslo, in an article written by Daniel Wong he states that being organized is one effective way to be successful in school as a student. Students who clean out their backpacks once a week, and students who set reminders to prepare for a test have a great chance of being successful. Secondly, getting good rest is another vital way to become a successful student in school. As research shows sleep boost up memory and improves good learning.
Many people fail in their lives before finding success. In a research study done, it shows that many students fail because of lack of self-confidence. Although, students have their social life outside of school, many experience failure because of lack of focus and too many distractions. In a article written by Tameka L. Williamson, she explained that students seemed to focus more on social media. Whilst in class and outside of class which causes them to lose focus on their daily task in class. Secondly, students fail because they are either not doing their homework or turning it in on time.
In other to find success or become successful as a student , you must first experience failure. Failing in my own words does not mean that you are not trying, I think it depends on the effort you put in to become successful. Many successful people experienced failure sometimes in their lives before becoming successful . Also it is impossible to achieve success if you are too hard on yourself and don’t admit to your mistakes. Admitting your mistakes and owning up to your actions allows you to learn new things with a open mind.
To conclude, Being successful is not an easy thing to accomplish. The achievement of success is by reaching your goals that you set with the happiness that comes with it. In other to become successful you must experience failure. To become a successful student you must be willing to learn from your failures and trying hard to reach the goal that you wish to accomplish.