Employment in Post-Conflict Situations

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The average age of all people involved in war, or conflict like situations is 18+ years, while in some countries, younger than 12. This has major impacts on employment in post-conflict situations as these are prime times in ones educational career. If people are forced to fight and therefore hinder there opportunity to have any formal education, they may come out of war poor, and homeless. During civil wars, the states are mostly involved making employment much less attainable as the state is under complete shutdown and creating new jobs is not as much of a priority. However, lack of jobs is not the only reason for unemployment. Often times there is lack of decent jobs, or ones which are achievable or attainable to soldiers with little or no education.

In December 1998, the United Nations branch visited 15 UNDP programme countries to focus on strengthening post-conflict situations and increase job flow.3 The objective of this was to target areas out of conflicts such as civil wars and help them regain a stable economy. After civil wars, economies are impacted in varying ways. Some economies, typically stronger ones with trading capabilities are more likely to regain faster than ones’ with a weaker, less tradable crafts.4 However, for smaller countries, civil war can wreak havoc on economic growth and societies. Along with uneducated soldiers and mass population dimension, job work can be near impossible to find. If a civil war involved lots of bombings, missiles, fires ,etc, they can be even more negatively impactful. Local schools, and job facilities are often targeted to damper local economies, which only worsens the issue of employment in post-conflict situations.

Many who come back to countries after serving in wars also find getting work to be a struggle. Take Brooks Douan, a USA veteran from Afghanistan. He thought finding work would be easy once he returned from war, but now, “it makes no difference.” Work is near impossible to find because of an unstable economy caused by funding to fight the war. He had to take up odd jobs such as photography and manual labor just to make some money for himself, but due to the poor economy, was let go. He was only 23 years old when he came back from Afghanistan, and yet had little college education due to his time spent in the war. These stories are far too common. People returning home from wars and countries recovering from them are very much alike. Drained financially and physically. Societies are almost never equipt to recover from post-conflict situations, but there is hope. Education to soldiers can aid in them finding work and weave them into a part of society again.

Country Policy

Denmark is extremely giving as a nation and has sent out several acts to help stabilize developing nations government, and to increase more job flow along with reduce poverty. Denmark is supportive of nations which have undergone post-conflict situations. Denmark helps Nigeria immensely as they suffer from extreme poverty, with funding and assistance. Denmark has been working with Nigeria since 1974, and gives them a set amount of money each year depending on necessity, and they have seen dramatic results from this.

Denmark also aids them with Human Rights and water supply and agriculture. Alongside there work in Nigeria, Denmark also aids other nations such as Mali and Afghanistan. They focus mostly on reducing poverty but also on, “stabilisation of fragile and conflict-affected states.” One of the ways in which they have done that in post-conflict situations is by increasing job flow and aiding efforts to rebuild ruined cities along with implementing ideas on gender equality to encourage equal pay. Without proper job facilities, many will go out of work, and issues such as malnutrition and drug cartels and gangs can arise out of pure necessity for a steady income.

Denmark has dedicated itself to end the causes of such issues and simply target the need for work as well as the need for requirements to work. As previously stated, often times there are not enough decent, livable jobs, that make enough money to feed a family. Through Denmark’s plans of gender equality, equal pay can one day be achievable therefore making a steady family income more achievable. Through continue their work overseas to help aid with unemployment issues in post-conflict situations, hopefully soldiers will have to worry less about where their next meal, or job will come from.


  1. https://digitalcommons.ilr.cornell.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1277&context=key_workplace
  2. https://www.un.org/ruleoflaw/files/UNDP%20Rule%20of%20Law_web_FINAL_PRINT.pdf
  3. http://web.undp.org/evaluation/evaluations/documents/postconflict_march2000.pdf
  4. https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/media/57a08d04e5274a27b2001595/R7905.pdf
  5. http://www.cnn.com/2010/LIVING/07/07/veterans.unemployed.economy/index.html
  6. https://digitalcommons.ilr.cornell.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1277&context=key_workplace
  7. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/nigger
  8. https://www.icenews.is/2018/01/24/wants-denmark-to-legislate-equal-pay/
  9. https://www.usnews.com/news/best-countries/articles/2017-09-06/denmark-most-committed-to-helping-developed-nations-study-finds

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Employment in Post-Conflict Situations. (2021, Jul 23). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/employment-in-post-conflict-situations/



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