Efficient Gardening

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It is a great thing when you have fresh herbs and vegetables in your kitchen, but it is often a tedious process making trips to the produce section of the grocery often to ensure you always have these items on hand. Produce is parishable and does not stay fresh for long and this is a problem when you want to incorperate these nutricious foods into your diet. I suppose many out there would love to plant their own herbs and vegetables, however many young people in college feel they do not have the required space and materials to support these needs. I wanted to take the time to highlight on some easy growing and nutrient dense plants and offer some inovative growing ideas for those living in appartments or smaller living quarters.

Most people imagine an emence garden plot with tall lush plants sprouting in a row as the ideal personal growing space. This is perhaps the most typical and orthodox way of growing your garden, but yet it is not the only way. There is the use of a simple planter on the patio, do it yourself (DIY) assemblies, to plenty of products out there that serve as a self-contained herb or small vegetable grow systems with a UV light attachment. Many of these all-inclusive products can be purchased online or at a local department store with hydroponic options as well. Most like to use these products inside, even set on the kitchen counter, especially if you have no patio or outdoor deck of your own. These models tend to be quite expensive and as mentioned there are some ways create you own tailored designs.

There are major ways to maximize you space, especially if all you have is a window a small balcony. A neat way to spruce-up your place and get those vegetables off the ground is by the incorperation of a verticle garden. There are many approaches to constructing these and they offer some unique benefits from regular gardening in the ground. Vertical planting is less susceptible to slugs, cutworms, weevils, and other marauders, and high off the ground and better exposed to airflow, they are less inclined to pick up mildew- or fungus-based maladies than earth-bound crops. Plus, there is no need to crouch or crawl to pick and snip; instead, your harvest is front and centre and at an easy arm’s length. And it gets better: in addition to providing the ultimate in fresh nourishment, your living wall or edible-flower tower can screen you from the wind, cool you with shade, help insulate your space from noise, and provide increased privacy along with the calming essence of fresh growing goodness. (Pope 55)

Pocket planting systems can be manufactured by urban landscape designers for any size space needed. These are resilient, as they are made with a sturdy backing with synthetic pockets for planting in the front. An effective way to cut out the middle-man and construct this yourself is with a canvas shoe rack, which are typically purchased to go behind a door, but can easily be applied outside on your patio. You then fill each pocket with the desired potting mix and insert the small plant or seeds you want to grown. These are best used with smaller plants, such as herbs or greens. Since they are meant to be stacked up, you can rely on a trickle-down method of watering starting from the top and allowing the moiture to work it’s way down.

Alongside pocket systems, trellises, towers, and lots of pots arrangements allow for flexible and fun options for outdoor vertical gardening, from windowsill pots (plants grow up) to hanging baskets (plants grew down) to wall-garden shelving units. Another effective strategy is to plunge stakes or trellising into a trough or raised bed and tuck in peas, eggplant, container-sized zucchini, and other edible ramolers. (Pope 56) Many stacked or hanging planters can be made from recycled wood from pallets or any left-over lumber you might come across and can then be placed any which way, vertically up a wall effectively conserving your space.

It is important to remember that the vast majority of veggies, herbs, and flowering fruit plants are going to need at least six hours of direct sunlight. If this cannot be provided naturally it may be essential to purchase a plant light. There are non-expensive models that can be purchased at local department stores and some more fancy/adaptable L.E.D. types that go for less than $30 online. Soil is additionally important, as you are not going to want to by garden soils for planters and containers. The best are labeled premium, professional mix, and moisture control potting soils with at least 6 months of feeding capacity. Also keep in mind at the height of summer, you may need to water your plants daily. The smaller the container the more suseptible it is to drying out, so be cautious of this.

If you are a fan of grilled fish, soups, salads, and Italian dishes, you may want to plant yourself some thyme (Thymus vulgaris), Greek oregano (Origanum heracleoticum), and parsley (Petroselinum crispum). These are considered staple herbs and can trace origins back to the Mediterranean. They can also be used all season long and have a variety of health benefits. Cilantro (Coriandrum sativum) is also a common favorite and is used heavily in Latin America, as it adds pungency to guacamole as well as tacos and sandwiches. Basil (Ocimum basilicum), english lavender (Lavandula angustifolia), and spearmint (Mentha spicata) are hearty herbs and great for those who love fragrant and fresh aromas. Lastly, try rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis), which lends woodsy depth to roast chicken and vegetables, its own pot; it’s finicky about water. Use quick-draining potting soil, because too much moisture is nearly always fatal. Perch the container in a sunny location. And if you live north of the mason-Dixon Line, move your rosemary indoors over winter. To Havest, use sharp scissors to snip leaves, stems, and flowers as needed. Avoid harvesting more than a quarter of a plant at a time. To encourage more growth in leafy herbs like basil, mint, and marjoram, pinch off flower buds and stem tips as they form. (Martin 2)

A great and simple vegetable to plant is really any variety of lettuce. It grows reletively quickly and loves water. Include some spinach and you can enjoy salads all summer long with the addition benefit of high amounts of Vitamin A and C as well as calcium, fiber, and potasium. (Myers 1) Snap peas are also great for beginners as they grow reletively well in the cool season and are packed with vitamins B6, C, and K as well as beta-carotene and iron, aiding in normal blood cell formation and protection against cancer. (Corleone 1) Growing onions and garlic are not likely to cause you much trouble either and they add excellent flavor to foods. Additionally, when crushed or chopped they are found to lower blood sugar, cholesterol and aid in digestion. (Myers 1) Of course tomatoes are one of the most popular plants to grow, however a larger pot with a cage is recomended for these, as they like to droop when fruit begins to bare. Your tomato plant will take off with ubundant sun and water. In return they offer you immune protection, healthy skin, and are especially great for your heart health.

There are many ways to improve your diet and green-up your home and patio at the same time. After gardening most of my adult life, I have learned that most things come with trial and error. I believe it is important for young people take up some gardening projects and see where it takes them, as I hope the ideas mentioned help in that aspect. I feel it is a step in the right direction when we can become a little more self-sufficient and producing your own food can be a very rewarding process.


Cite this paper

Efficient Gardening. (2021, Aug 13). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/efficient-gardening/



How can I make my garden more efficient?
1. You can make your garden more efficient by planning ahead and knowing what you want to grow. 2. You can also make your garden more efficient by using raised beds or container gardening.
What is high intensity gardening?
High intensity gardening is a type of gardening that involves using techniques to grow more food in a smaller space. These techniques can include things like using raised beds, companion planting, and using vertical space.
What is the most efficient plant to grow?
The most efficient plant to grow is the one that best meets your needs. Consider what you want to use the plant for and choose accordingly.
What is the most important factor in gardening?
Soil. Soil is the most important factor in any garden and perhaps more so in a vegetable garden. Annual vegetables spend their entire season producing flowers and fruits. They are very heavy feeders and rich soil will not just keep them growing strong, it will also help ward off disease and pest problems.
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