Drawing Pictures for Ovids The Art of Love 1

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For my final project I created a book that illustrates and gives color to the steps Ovid gives his readers. I chose to do this to show how two different art forms can come together, and give the same message. Each page had a quote from The Art of Love l and I drew a picture to go with each quote. Here is a page by page breakdown of the book. The first quote,”Her son Aeneas’ foundation. If you like adolescents any number of (guaranteed) maidens are here to delight your roving eye.

You prefer young women? They’ll charm you by the thousand, you won’t know which to choose, and if you happen to fancy a more mature, experienced age-group, believe me, they show up in droves.”(61-66 p.168) I draw what I think an adolescent, young, and older women look like. Each of them has a different look to show the difference in ages. The adolescent has no makeup on and a bare face to show she is young and innocent. The young woman is depicted with jewelry and makeup showing that she cares about her appearance. 1he older woman has glasses and noticeable wrinkles to show her age. Page 2: “Don’t miss the same shrine of Adonis mourned by Venus or the synagogue- Syrian Jews.”(75-76 p.168) For this page I drew a synagogue with many different colors. There is no reason for the colors I just thought it Would look nice. I drew the synagogue to show howit is the place to be to find women. Page 3 “lo makes many a maid what she was to Jove.”(78-79 p.168) I drew a typical maid to also bring modern concepts to an older creation. Page 4: “Here, all too often, words fail the most eloquent pleader, and a new sort of case comes on-his own. He must defend himself for a change, while Venus in her nearby temple snickers at this reversal of roles.”(85-88 p.168) On this page the lightning bolts coming from the woman’s eyes are shot towards the man. He is shielding himself from her lightning while Venus is in the background laughing away.

Page 5:”But the theatre’s curving tiers should form your favorite hunting ground: here you are sure to find the richest returns, be your wish for lover or playmate, a one-night stand or a permanent affair.”(89-92 p.168) I drew a Roman theatre to show the scenery, that he is talking about. Page 6:”Flitting from flower to flower, so our fashionable ladies swarm to the games in such crowds, I often can’t decide which I like. As spectators they come, come to inspected.” (97-99 p.169) I chose to draw a field of flowers to show how the ladies are like flowers to be looked over, so each flower represents a beautiful woman to look at. Page 7:”Don’t forget the races, either: the spacious circus offers chances galore. No need, here of private finger-talk, or secret signals, nods conveying messages without let or hinderance, so be sure to press against her wherever you can.”(135-140 p.170) I used the hands in the heart because, touch is special. You only touch your significant other the way Ovid describes in the the quote. Page 8:”Some excuse to engage in friendly conversation, casual small-talk at first.”(143- 144 p170) A simple picture of two people talking clearly expresses the quote well.

Page 9:”If some dust should settle in your girľ’s lap flick it away with your fingers; and if there’s no dust still flick away-nothing.”(149-152 p.170) You can see the man flicking a heart of the woman’s lap. If a man is just touching another woman just to get his hands on her, she is no guarantee that her heart will be his. Page 10:”If her cloak’s trailing, gather it up, make a great business of rescuing it from dirt.”(153-154 p.170) These are womans legs. The rainbow behind the calf shows the power of women sexuality. Just like Ovid says in the next quote everyone is desperate for a look of a woman’s body. Page 11:”Instant reward for your gallantry, a licensed peep at delectable ankles and more.”(155-156 p.170) I drew a womans lower half because that is the end goal for the men taking peeks at her ankles. The whole purpose of the steps are to acquire a significant other.

Page 12:”Don’t let him rub his knee against her smooth back.”(158-159 p.170) This a just a simple picture of a woman back. Her head is the sun because the woman is the light that all the men are looking to find. Page 13:”And when some girl inquires the names of the monarchs, or the towns, rivers, hills portrayed on the floats, answer all her questions (and don’t draw the line at questions only): pretend you know even when you don’t. “(219-223 p.172) I have a body with only a mouth showing that if you do follow this step you will do nothing but talk. Your whole mouth will consume you and everything that comes out of it is a lie. Page 14:”There flushed Love has often clasped the hors of reclining Bacchus in a seductive embrace.”(231-233 p.173) Here is showinga woman (Venus) holding bottle of wine. The wine bottle represents Bacchus and the action of her holding it shows that love and alcohol go hand and hand.

Page 15: “He’s grounded, to sluggish for the sport he’s begun. Still, it takes him no time to shake out his damp plumage-but if love merely brushes the best you’re wounded, it hurts. Wine rouses the heart, inclines to passion.”(234-237 p.173) I drew a man being pierced by a love arrow, and it hurts (the blood). It will only be a matter of time before love takes over the body. That is the reason for the big eyes it is inevitable. Page 16: Heavy drinking dilutes and banishes care in a sea of laughter, gives the poor man self confidence, smooths out wrinkles, puts paid to pain and sorrow.”(238-241 p.173) On this page I just drew a personification of drinking getting lost in the laughter of others.

Page 17″So for my elegiacs have taught you which converts to draw, where to spread your erotic nets.”(265-256 p.174) I drew a spider web with a heart in the middle to show that once you get stuck in the web of love you may never get out. Page 18:”The first thing to get in your head is that every single girl can be caught-and that you’ll catch her if you set your soils right.”(269-271 p. 174) The bear trap shows that after all of the steps Ovid teaches men the trap is still dangerous for women. If one gets caught in the trap she may never be the same. Just injured from the bear trap, her significant other laid out for her. This book took me a week in total to make, but I enjoyed making every drawing in it. Ovid uses plenty of extra words to get his point across. I feel like the pictures I drew along with the quotes makes his message more understandable.

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Drawing Pictures for Ovids The Art of Love 1. (2023, Mar 19). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/drawing-pictures-for-ovids-the-art-of-love-1/

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