Dog Lives are Endangered

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Dog life’s are endangered there are few people out there trying to help dogs. They help with medical assistance, shelter and comfort. They are trying their best but they can’t do without assistance. Dog Town has software to help them with the medical information of the dog but it does not have medical history about the dog because when the doctors are helping the dog they need to have medical history of the dog. The software of dog town needs an improvement to have the ability of storing the medical history of the dog. Not having medical history of the dog makes the treating and healing of the dog patient more complicated and longer. The dog town software must be updated to make the doctor’s job easy and I must be the one improving and updating it. There must be a solution for me to able to do my task.


My solution is to design a program that will help to store medical files that will contain medical history and current health of the dog. The program will store more about the dog’s owner and the addresses. When the dog is lost the organisation can access the program and find useful information that can help them. The program can only assist dog’s organisation. The program is designed to help dogs and making life easier for the people helping the dogs. It should be cost effective. . It should promote/attract interest from an individual through its friendly easy to use user interface. This program will accommodate all types of dogs and their different types of diseases they dogs had and have. It should have health information of the dogs.


There are websites that work similar to the program I plan to design. I plan to make improvements on the current software they are working with. I have searched few websites that have th


WebMD is website which provides valuable health information, tools for managing your online. It provides credible information, supportive communities and in-depth reference material about health subjects that matter to the user. It provides health about the dogs and other pets. It provides ways to help your pet. This site gives users health news, it creates and maintains up-to-date medical references about its users on a database, it provides medical imageries and animation

Cite this paper

Dog Lives are Endangered. (2020, Sep 19). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/dog-lives-are-endangered/



Are dogs are endangered?
No, dogs are not endangered. They are one of the most popular and domesticated animals in the world.
Are dogs ever going extinct?
No, dogs are not going extinct. They are one of the most popular pets in the world and there is no indication that this trend is slowing down.
What dog is the most endangered?
There is no definitive answer to this question as different dog breeds become endangered for different reasons. However, some of the most endangered dog breeds include the African wild dog, the Australian dingo, and the New Guinea singing dog.
What is the most endangered animal?
10 of the world's most endangered animals Javan Rhinos. Amur Leopard. Sunda Island Tiger. Mountain Gorillas. Tapanuli Orangutan. Yangtze Finless Porpoise. Black Rhinos. African Forest Elephant.
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