Digestive and Reproductive System 

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Each system has it’s own function but even if a certain part of the system is separate they all connect and work together so we can have a functioning body. All systems in our body are very important from protecting ourselves but today I will only be talking about 2. The digestive system, is organs that help us break up our food and allow us to digest and the reproductive system, organs that allow us to use the restroom and allow our bodies to reject or accept certain things. Both these systems are connected because we eatt food and our digestive system allows us to eat and pass liquids and the reproductive system allows us to pass these solids or liquids out the body.

The mouth is the very first part of the digestive system . When we intake food the mouth is the first place that our food is about is touch. Our whole digestive organs are mouth, salivary glands (produce our saliva and what allows our mouth the get “watery” when we crave a certain meal), esophogus ( our food passes down our esophogus once our mouth and saliva breaks down the food in order to swallow), liver allows the nutrients from our small intestine to be sent into another place . This allows for us to carry the nutrients into our body. Bile, a green substance in the liver, removes the fats from our food so that way all the fat that does come from our food doesn’t get absorded into us.

The role of the bile can be comapred to the pancreas because the role of the pancreas is to breaks down carbs, fats and protiens, we call the liquid digestive juice. A big part fo the digestive system is a GI tract, gastrointestinal tract, this can be described as a large empty organ that runs along the entrance of our mouth to our anus. This organ passes through the sides of he mouth, esophaogus, stomach, small and large intestine. This organ helps to digest the food even more to convert the food into energy and nutrients. The digestive system also includes the anus and the anus is a body part the lets out of waste from the body, in a way the organ can also be used in the reproductive system. They can both have a connection in our daily lifes.

Both male and females have a reproductive system. In females this includes: the vagina (“canal” that leads to the cervix, the cervix allows when females are on their period for the mestural blood to lead down from the uterus to the vagina and also allows the sperm to know where they are supposed to go when trying to get pregnant. Uterus: is a hollow organ where babies are allowed to grow and develop inside of a women, ovaires ( produce the eggs and the hormones and are located in each side of the uterus). Fallopian tubes are a main part of the menstural cycle ina women body because this is where one egg is released from the ovaries and this is the start of a period.

Fun fact: if you decide to have unprotected sex a week befor your initial period date there is a higher chance that you will end up pregnant and that it is not nad to have sex during your period. The clitoris: it is small and sensitive, can be compared to a male penis because it is also used for an orgasm (runs along the side of the vagina and not only where is it visible to the eye. The male reproducative system includes the penis the testies and these organs are also within the pelvis not just on the outside where you can see. Both male and female reproductive systems allow for babies to be born. Although these may see fun and all these can be sort of ricky because of you do put your body out there and have sex with anyone this can lead to an infection or worse aids or hiv.

Both of these systems work with each other to maintain our bodies health and to keep certain diseases from spreading around. Our organs have ways to do their function properly and figure out what is good an what is bad for us. For example, when a women is pregnant she has to keep an eye out on the food intake that she eats. The fetus “eats” so takes up nutrients based on what the mother has ate. The digestive system makes sure that the nutrients that are in the food get taken out and the reproductive system makes sure that the fetus gets this nutrients.

Energy has a big role because when you wake up in the morning and you feel tired throughout the day this is because you are not taking in enough food therefore, your body isn’t turing it into energy. In class we talked about how certain types of food can have an affect on how your vagina smells. The food we take in goes through out digestive system where the food is taken down and our vagina is part of our reproductive system so this does affect the way our bodies function and even smell.

All the systems that our bodies contain are all somehow connected to each other and work together to actually allow our bodies to stay healthy. The systems are : immune system, endocrine system, circulatory system, respiratory system, excretory system, nervous system are the main types of systems. The ones that i compared today were the digestive and the reproductive system. Our bodies can do many things and accept and reject many but we have to watch out for ourselves and make sure that we look at our food in take and if we know something correct isn’t going on there can always be something you can do to help yourself.


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Digestive and Reproductive System . (2021, Jul 23). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/digestive-and-reproductive-system/



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The digestive system is connected to the reproductive system because they both involve the process of breaking down food into smaller pieces.
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The 3 main organs of the reproductive system are the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and uterus.
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