Culture and Communication in South African Retail Industry

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Culture is a particular knowledge and beliefs that members of a community have, which enable them to operate in a manner acceptable to the group. It is a system of shared beliefs, values, and customs. Essentially culture is central to the way we view, experience and engage with all aspects of our lives and the world around us.

Culture is as diverse as the groupings that find comfort and peace of mind to its followers. It is in recognition of such diversities that Bishop Desmond Tutu dubbed South Africa the Rainbow Nation. By saying so he was warning of the potential conflict if such diversities were not managed well. Other than race there are other issues and practices such as behavior and symbolic code, in which feed the contestation of culture because each individual and group believes that theirs is the best way of navigating life.

Social interactions have always been on a level of harmony due to agreements articulated by authorities. The industrial world thrives on strategies, policies, and procedures that keep them on track for efficiency and profit. We have rules, roles, rituals, and rubrics for almost all occasions which ensure that everyone develops a deeper understanding of the concept, culture. It allows everybody to know and understand the different cultural groups, develop their own, and prevent cultural misunderstandings.

The Role of The Retail Industry

The retail industry is a caterer and as such has to supply the needs of the consumer. Being of service to society as multicultured as South Africa, they are bound to deal with people of various cultures. These bring with them taste and desires that may be very foreign to the retailer and other consumers. There is however a benefit to the retailer who picks up and adapts to his new customers, a good case in point is the Basotho blanket which has become a valuable market item while still respecting the Basotho culture.

Intercultural contact in the South African labor system is a very complex phenomenon but is important because this is virtually the only area of the South African society in which black and white, in particular, come into close contact with one another.

In order for the retail industry to succeed and maintain intercultural communication, all employees need to show availability, willingness, and purpose. This can be achieved with continued communication, creation of common ground, visualization of a common purpose, consideration of unique needs and expectations of the consumer as well as fellow employees. South Africans have to cope with unique challenges and will have to predict and develop an indigenous South African organizational style in which the best of all cultures have to offer are accommodated.

Culture serves to give an identity to a group, it also influences communication and is enacted and reinforced through communication. Communication is central to all interactions, considerations of cultural identity certainly enhance the value of communication. A communicator which does not or takes little note of the cultural background of the receiver will turn out to be a reckless event, where domination is deliberately intended. Such communication cannot be beneficial to a business. Since a business is essentially a give and take bartering phenomenon.


Thus practice that recognizes identity and culture, as well as professional communication, is of absolute importance for both the consumer and the trader in the retail industry.

Cite this paper

Culture and Communication in South African Retail Industry. (2020, Nov 22). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/culture-and-communication-in-south-african-retail-industry/



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