Carol Dweck’s Views on “Growth Mindset”

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Carol Dweck is a researcher who has discovered that students who believe they can succeed, will exceed. This thinking is called “growth mindset.” Dweck talks about growth mindset in the article Carol Dweck Revisits the ‘Growth Mindset’ and Carol Dweck’s Ted Talk, “The Power of Believing That You Can Improve.” Both cover the impact of the growth mindset and the fixed mindset, misconceptions and misunderstandings, and the possible outcome of those misconceptions.

In Carol Dweck Revisits the ‘Growth Mindset’, Dweck talks about her discovery of how students mindsets impacted their motivation and achievement. Dweck discusses that if a student believes their intelligence could be developed that would outperform those who believed that their intelligence was fixed. She also discusses the misconceptions and misunderstandings that goes along with growth mindset. Effort is not the only important role, in order for growth mindset to be effective, students must have many strategies to approaching a problem rather than just being stuck. (1) Praise is given to students for effort but not learning and many educators also claim to have the growth mindset but their words and actions prove otherwise, causing the students to having a fixed mindset, the opposite of the intended purpose. (2)

This information can be potentially be very important to the way eductors approach the classroom and help the students reach their full potential. Dweck clearly explains how growth mindset has an effect on students motivation and achievement. She clearly explains, argues her points on the way some teachers approach growth mindsets is incorrect and has the opposite effects. Dweck is very constant with the information she gives in this article and the information she discusses in her Ted Talk.

I agree with Dweck that student’s mindsets are in direct correlation with a students motivation and achievement. As a student I know that without a certain mindset, motivation is going to be hard to come by. With my experience with children, I know that if they believe they can do something, they will do it, but if they believe it is too hard they will give up right then and there. One thing I am having trouble agreeing with is how Dweck only really talks about educators in this article, I believe that any adult figure to the student has to have growth mindset for the student to develop am unfaulty growth mindset themselves, but while saying that, I am also speaking for myself and people I know, not students as a whole.

Dweck was very successful in delivering clear and concise information about the impact of growth mindset, misconceptions and what the misconceptions can lead to. Though I believe growth mindset relies on more than just the educators, she did a good job getting her message across about growth mindset and its effects.


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Carol Dweck’s Views on “Growth Mindset”. (2022, Dec 31). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/carol-dwecks-views-on-growth-mindset/

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