A Tuition Waver Personal Statement

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Educationally I am striving to receive my baccalaureate of science in the field of chemical engineering with the highest marks I can possibly attain. I consider my undergraduate studies to be my short term goal as I still have much more to accomplish in my lifetime. My long term educational goal is to continue my studies in a graduate program in order to obtain my Master’s degree and then even further down the line my Doctorate. It could be stated that these goals are easier said than done but I believe I have the aptitude to accomplish these feats.

As long8 as I put the time and patience needed into my goals, as I have been doing, I knowI can accomplish whatever I set my mind to. My career goals are a bit more enigmatic then my educational goals because much of my focus has been devoted to achieving a degree in chemical engineering. From what I have seen thus far the field I am studying is extremely broad meaning I can apply my degree in many ditferent ways. Due to this fact I haven’t begun to narrow down my choices to a specific application of my degree. I do not believe this is a disadvantage but more of a valuable tactic.

I say this because I am just starting to get into my major classes meaning I will begin to decide what my interests, strengths and weaknesses are. Based on these aspects I believe down the line I will eventually realize what I exactly want to do with my degree. Although I can’t yet tell you about the exact field I wish to work in I can say that Chemical Engineering is definitely the field I want to be in due to its application of physics, math and chemistry… all things I excel at and enjoy. My career portion of my goals has actually just begun, as I have been actively searching for an internship or a co-0p, mainly to obtain worthwhile work experience within my field of study rather than financial reasons.

Once I find an internshipI will carry out my job responsibilities to the best of my ability and to learn as much as I can. Hopefully once I graduate my internship might see the value in my work and offer me a full time job. If this isn’t the case, I will now have work experience and a degree and I’m certain I’l find a job elsewhere. Once I have a full time job, I will work diligently and excel at all things possible for the company and myself. Luckily, I’ve had an extraordinarily generous and loving family to back me up in my collegiate and career oriented goals.

They have been paying my entire college tuition for me at any costs as long as I continue to work hard and earn good grades. While I greatly appreciate them doing this for me, I also wish to contribute in a way that doesn’t require me to sacrifice the much needed time to study and to earn these good grades. Although my family isn’t in a dire financial situation regarding paying my tuition it has been a heavy load for them to carry. Due to this fact I wish to lighten the load by providing this personal statement to you and I hope that you consider me for this tuition waver .

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A Tuition Waver Personal Statement. (2023, Mar 19). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/a-tuition-waver-personal-statement/

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