A Reflection of a Tree House in the Eyes of a Child

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What is a treehouse? A treehouse is simply a wooden structure that serves as entertainment for toddlers, with attachments such as slides and swings. That’s simply from the perspective of a 17-year»old girl. But to a 6 year old, there’s a whole different story. As I stumbled up the bright yellow ladder, attached to the fresh, brown wood, I wondered what adventure I was going to go on that day. When I was firmly seated on the wooden floor, I closed my eyes and when I opened them, I was on a boat, deep in the ocean The wind was whisking, the waves were crashing, and the sky was filled with dark and mystical clouds. The enemy was trying to sink our boat under the dark and unforgiving ocean. My fellow sailors and I attempted to rid the ocean of the enemy but our chances were becoming slimmer as our foes boats were outnumbering us. They surrounded us like a clan of angry bees ready for revenge How were we supposed to escape? When everything seemed to be going in our enemy’s favor, the tables turned, A giant monster, at least 40 feet tall, arose from the wrathful ocean, and crumbled down on the enemy fleets.

We were in the clear and land was visible from the side of our boat, Land ho! We had reached the island of mysterious things. We disembarked from our vessel and wandered the island. We came upon mystical creatures; creatures you would not normally see back home Wherever home was As we were exploring, we stumbled across an extremely tiny and peculiar looking animal. As we got closer, it became a gigantic fire breathing dragon. We had no choice but to run. As we were running for our lives, towards the boat, I tripped and fell my ankle swelled and I couldn’t go anymore. The dragon approached and right before it was about to attack me, my fellow sailors jumped out from behind it and slayed the beast with their bare hands. After this close encounter, we realized it was time to go home, I opened my eyes and my brother and l were sitting in the treehouse.

We were thrilled from our experience and we knew we had to share it, We scurried inside and searched for someone we could tell our story too. We came across our mom first, and we blurted out with exhausted gasps what we had just witnessed. We told her how we survived a pirate attack, how we came upon an island filled with fire breathing dragons and how we had slain the ferocious beast. My mom, blind to the limit of our imagination, underestimated our adventure, and told us we had active minds, She didn‘t understand the power of the treehouse, but we knew better. A few years later, I sat on the swing attached to the treehouse, just to sit and enjoy the beauty of the day. While sitting in the swing, I remembered playing in the wooden structure and going on cool adventures in it when I was younger. I wanted to test the theory to see if it really had magical powers as I had remembered I climbed the yellow and rusted ladder to sit on rotten wooden planks that were ridden with spider webs and dried leaves.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes and… nothing happened I was confused A few years prior, I would have been transported to some mysterious body of water, or slaying a dragon, or going to some far away land, but now, it was just a treehouse. It was no longer a cool time machine that could travel to exotic places that would lead me to participate in treacherous activities like saving our boat from a pirate attack. It was now just a wooden treehouse, useless and worthless to my imagination. The treehouse had served a great purpose to my younger and imaginative self, I had gone on some pretty thrilling adventures in that treehouse. Years later, this treehouse would serve no purpose in my life. Now, as I look out upon it every morning, I don‘t see the same thing I would have seen when I was little.

I just see an eyesore ready to collapse, But as I recount my childhood, Irealize that without those adventures, would not be the same person I am today, Without those events and days in the treehouse, where I imagined I was traveling through space or through the ocean, I would not be the creative and spontaneous person I am today. The day that I sat in the treehouse and nothing happened, I knew I had matured and left parts of my imagination and childhood in my past. I was scared to grow up, so I made a promise to myself The promise was that as I mature into an adult, I wouldn‘t let myself lose my imagination. From that day forward, I dedicated my life to always being that young and imaginative girl I once was, whether at school, on the soccer field, or doing community service The treehouse days may be over, but my imagination still lives orL


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A Reflection of a Tree House in the Eyes of a Child. (2023, Apr 12). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/a-reflection-of-a-tree-house-in-the-eyes-of-a-child/

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