A Narrative of My Mock Concert

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I thoroughly enjoyed the first piece. It started piano and then quickly picked up the pace as well as crescendoed into a full fortissimo. You can hear the reverb in the room as the sound waves bounce off the walls of the spacey auditorium. The timbre of this piece is very colorful and vibrant; and has dark undertones in some brief moments I loved the sound of the violin solo. It was filled with beautiful vibrato and tremolos. The pieces meter as well as the energy of the orchestra do a great job in pushing the pace forward the entire piece is consonant and except for a few small places it is in a major key. An easy way to tell that it is in the major key is its bright and cheery sound the second piece is the second part to the first one. Both pieces started in the same exact manner; single isolated notes with silence I can hear the trombone ring through the orchestra. I love the sound of the valiant trombone section I also love the very tender timber of the violins in this section.

The violin has some very fast moving pans in this piece and that adds a carefree and happy tone to the piece. The two violin soloist, who often play a duet, sound very beautiful I love the way that they accompany each other. These musicians give the piece such a harmonious sound, the only thing rivaling the beauty of the violin is the accompanying undertone of the dark timbred cello. The dynamics range from pianissimo to fortissimo; sometimes in the same 15 seconds enjoyed this piece just as much as the first part of it. In this piece, the scene is set with pouring rain in the background to instill a very somber tone the piece incorporates a very slow tempo and a female vocalist. The title gives away the whole idea of this piece. The piece creates a feeling of sadness and despair. As I close my eyes and hear the piece, I picture a funeral where everyone is crying this is not a happy scene by any means.

Sadly, the vocalist was poorly recorded and when she hit high notes the mic went bonkers, that took a lot out of the piece for me, It just goes to show how important recording quality is in this day and age. If I was actually hearing it live, I , of course, wouldn‘t have that problem either way, I think the instrumentation of the piece is marvelous I love the soft hum of the orchestra accompanied with daunting roar of the low brass section. Overall, this song was good but the audio quality of the vocalist took away from the *not so live* performance. Also as a side note, I enjoyed the music video as well. This piece starts with a brilliant clarinet solo accompanied with a piano an oboe then sings its solo over the orchestra I have always been fascinated by oboes as a trumpet player. I really like the sound it makes; somewhat comparable to a singing womanr.

Then the Strings come through with some Vicious pizzicato while the low brass begin to wail. The melody is reminiscent of Spanish music, through its overall sound and tempo at which it is performed the piece starts to get quite bizarre from here. It fluctuates from war music to latino dance music. It’s like getting teleported from World War II into a 2016 Zumba class It just doesn’t make sense. But that does not mean that it isn’t awesome, I really enjoy the eccentricity of the piece, I wonder what the composer meant to convey with the piece. Towards the end of the piece, a powerful trumpet solo is played. Me being a trumpet player myself, I was extremely impressed at the skill that this played had. After the solo the whole section joined him, still sounding like just one giant trumpet. This piece was the most bizarre out all of them. It kept me extremely interested and on my toes I enjoyed this piece, especially how it ended with a mariachi band vibe.

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A Narrative of My Mock Concert. (2023, Apr 11). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/a-narrative-of-my-mock-concert/

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