A Memorable Thanksgiving in the Tennessee Mountains

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Have you ever caught yourself reminiscing about a good time in your life wishing you could go back in time and do it all over again? About two years ago my family decided we would spend our Thanksgiving in the ravishing Tennessee Mountains. It would be our first time spending this holiday away from home. We were all extremely excited about this trip and had prepared for months leading up to that day. Initially, we did not know what to expect but it ended up being the best time of our lives and our most memorable family vacation.

The week leading up to our trip was built with curiosity, I could hardly wait. The week consisted of us packing, preparing, and accommodating all necessary things for the trip. The day had finally come for us to head off to the mountains, I was so anxious that I had become impatient. The enthusiasm grew deep inside of me, I just wanted to be in the mountains already! We took two cars to accommodate all of us and our belongings. I rode with my mother, stepfather, son, and younger sister. We left later in the evening, so we did not arrive until late that night. I can remember the traffic being light and the roads being as dark as a cave.

It took us about five hours to arrive at our destination. It seemed like the longest five hours of my life, although, I cannot remember what our exact location was, it seemed like the middle of nowhere. When we arrived, I eagerly got out of the car to see what our vacation rental looked like on the inside. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen; it was a three-story lake house with six bedrooms and four restrooms. The house set directly on a lake with a breathtaking view.

Although it was dark outside when we arrived, the stars beamed beautifully on the lake. You could also see the mountains from the back porch balcony. They stood tall and mighty over us. It was a sight to see by day and night. Without a doubt, this had been the most beautiful thing I had. Thanksgiving Day had come and it was finally time for the food and festive. The morning consisted of a big family breakfast to hold us over while we all came together to prepare Thanksgiving dinner for later that day. After a few hours, the food was finally prepared and was ready to eat.

Before we begin to eat, my mother led us in prayer and after we went around the table and expressed what we were thankful for. I expressed that I was thankful for life and being able to have the opportunity to enjoy that time with family. I also stated that I was thankful for my son and the many blessings I had received throughout the year. Nighttime had fallen and it was then time for fun! We played various games and danced all night until we were all worn out. Nonetheless, it was such a divine time with my family and if I could, I would do it all over again.

Our trip lasted three days, it was suddenly winding down. I was determined to make my last day, which was a Friday, my very best day. We had stayed in the cabin the entire time so I decided it was time to see the city. It was also “Black Friday” so we wanted to catch all the good sales. My younger sister and I got in the car and drove a few miles away to Knoxville,

Tennessee. We ended up finding a huge shopping mall and I can honestly say that I think I spent about five hundred dollars but it was all worth it in my eyes. After all, shopping always seems like the traditional thing to do when you take a vacation.

The day had come and it was finally time to pack everything up and head home. None of us wanted to leave but we knew our time had come to an end. As we loaded the cars up with our belongings, we all expressed how much we enjoyed ourselves. We all agreed that everything was so peaceful and relaxing. It was the most incredible trip we had ever had. Everything was simply amazing from the food, laughs, views, and time we spent. This had been a vacation to remember and a beautiful memory to look back on. ever seen.

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A Memorable Thanksgiving in the Tennessee Mountains. (2022, Dec 31). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/a-memorable-thanksgiving-in-the-tennessee-mountains/

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