A Description of the Beginning of the Start of the Art Form of Drawing

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It has been strongly believed that writing started from the art fom of drawing. Before writing was developed, ancient humans made use of materialistic objects and simple draWings to make records of many different things such as their population, properties, harvests, bags, their wars with other tribes and other important events. These early drawings could suggest nothing about sound and meaning. Later developed drawings, were picture writing, also known as pictograms. what was different from pictograms and the modern writing systems, each picture or pictogram was a solid direct image of its representation. There was no actual kind of a relationship between the form and the meaning of the symbol. This earlier style of “writing” did not have any direct relation to the language spoken, since the pictures had a representation with its objects rather than the linguistic names given to these objects; they did not need to represent the sounds of a spoken language. Ancient and modern pictographic writing has been found among people throughout the world.

American Indians make many pictographic drawings, which give no idea of actual wording, but still tend to be very communicative in a narrow sense, if one can actually understand their conventions. Examples of how Pictograms are often used today are such as international road-signs, parking lots and signs on public toilets showing which are for men and which for women. Throughout the history of the pictogram, it was found to have a strong meaning behind it, the pictogram’s meaning was extended in that the picture represented not only the original object but the attributes of that objects in it, or concepts associated with it. So if the pictogram was carrying a picture of the sun, it could represent warmth, heat, “daytime” and so on. Pictograms really began to represent mans ideas rather than objects and such pictograms are called ideograms, idea pictures or “idea writing”. With the use of symbols standing for ideas which could be pictured, instead of the sounds to make up words, it ended up reaching less of a conventional stage, it became ideographic, very similar to Chinese writing.

How every ord had a symbol based not upon the phonetic structure of the word but upon its meaning Pictograms forms and the meanings were gradually fixed into an arbitrary relationship. Pictograms later became linguistic symbols, because its forms departed from the objects it represented and it became, instead of actual objects, symbols for the sounds of these objects that they are, for the words of the language. This stage represented a big revolutionary step in the development of the writing system. A word-writing system of this kind related the symbol to the sounds of a word, but the symbol still stands for the concept rather than for the sounds directly. These identical symbols might be used to represent the words in any language, no matter how it is spoken. The transition to the Alphabetic writing system became are most efficient writing system in thee world today. They are very simple and easy to learn and convenient to use as well as efficient for transcribing to any human language.

Theretfore, languages that have recently acquired a writung system have taken the Roman alphabetic writing system as their own. Many languages tend to have their own alphabets, and each has developed certain conventions for converting strings of alphabetic characters into sequences of sounds, that is reading. and converting sequences of sounds into strings of alphabetic characters, namely, writing. Most European alphabets make use of Latin (Roman) letters, with minor adjustments made to accommodate individual characteristics of a particular language-For instance. Spanish uses/n (an/ní With a tilde ) to represent the palatalized alveolar nasal, and German has added an “umlaut for certain of its vowel sounds that do not exist in Latin, (for example, iher). Such “extra” marks are called diacritics. Languages often resort to using two letters together to represent a Single sound for which there is no corresponding single letter. English includes digraphs such as sh |J]. ch [UJ, th [?)or 6. ck [k]. rig [?]. ph [j and so on.

Because of the invention and transitions of writing and where it has lead to today we are all able to do many things such speak, our beautiful art, sing, and many other things. Writing is considered a visible recording of language and it has revolutionized the world from when writing first started, which no one is truly too positive of who truly invented it. But because it was invented, our world has only been changed in so many different ways.


  1. 1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wikiWriting#History_of _writing
  2. 2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pictograms
  3. 3. http://en.wikipedia.orgwikilHistory_ of_the_alphabet
  4. 4. http://www.historian.net/hxwrite.htm
  5. 5. http://books.google.com/books?id=nlEPhP900UC&pg-PT119&lpg=PT119&dq=why+the+transition+from+pictographic+writing+to+alphabetictwritin9+is+considered+revolutionary.&sOurce=bl&ots=wIExHITQb-&sig=ZmxutsO6oqgVqcQZCq3vkRZrgXM&hl=en&sa=X&ei=7EMTT7qSCsXWiALx3pjhDQ&sqi=2&ved=0CD4Q6AEWBQ#=onepage&q&f=false

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A Description of the Beginning of the Start of the Art Form of Drawing. (2023, Mar 19). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/a-description-of-the-beginning-of-the-start-of-the-art-form-of-drawing/

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