Why We Trust Argumentative Essay

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When you think of one of the most important qualities a person or friend can have is trust. Trust is something that definitely never be rushed or forced on someone. The true definition of trust can be defined as reliance on integrity, strength, ability, and surety of person or thing. Trust is pretty much putting blind faith in an particular individual without truly knowing the outcome of the particular situation. It also helps to be selfless person rather than be a “me” first type of person, this is common trait people look at to be reliable and trustworthy in real life situations and building friendships.

Having full trust in certain individuals can sometimes be very scary at times, because your truly taking a leap of faith trying to gain trust from other individuals. That is really the downfall to putting yourself out there to trust other people and develop friendships. You have to be willing to take the downfall and feel the loss if things do not turn out the way you wanted them too. But if things work out it can be a beautiful thing for you and another person. That is why it can sometimes lead to disaster or can lead to many beautiful things in this life there is really no in between when it comes to trusting other people in this lifetime.

One characteristic of trust that sticks out is the sense of intimacy that having to trust in another person displays and shows between yourselves. Your always having to prove to the person that your worth the individuals time and worry . Some people are slow to develop trust and affection for each other, preople check out new people for a while before lowering their guards and trusting them. Lowering your guard can be scary at times because you never know truly how a person is until you really get to know them on a personal level.

With that being said building a strong reputation of being trustworthy can help with other people developing friendships with you. When people hear that you have an good reputation of being trustworthy they will tend to gravitate toward you. This helps you out by giving a strong foundation to build on and really helps in the process of developing a friendship. This proves to that person that you have good qualities of trust and dependability. But developing a really strong trust with someone that could take years to develop with a particular person so you must work at it every day and stay consistent to prove yourself to that other person.

An example of trust would be a special bond you share with a close friend you have. Your constantly proving that you care, love, and support each other but, but can easily be broken if you talk behind each others back or show qualities of being unloyal and undependable. Once that happens people usually cut off any kind of communication that was once there at one point and do not want to continue to move forward with the friendship. This can lead to people never wanting to have a true relationship ever again and begin to develop a hate and dislike for each other. Trust is truly a weird thing that life has to offer us. It can either make you feel extremely valued by that person or can make you feel betrayed or feel empty on the inside when trusting the wrong people in life.

One important question really pops up and comes to mind when looking at the word trust. If you know the outcome of an situation before it happens, is there really any trust involved in the situation? An example of this would be if you borrowed a friends car so that you can get to work but in return he needs your money for gas to fuel the car to get to where you need to go. If your friend knew he was getting his gas money before you borrowed his car there would be no trust at all if he knew that you was going to pay him to borrow the car to go where you need too. However if these two people were not friends then there would be a risk involved, therefore leading him to blindlytrust him to pay back the money needed for the gas to fuel the car. This just goes to show the person doing the trusting should always have faith and trust in the other person to do the right thing even if that means the person decides not to the right thing and completely ruin the situation.

Trust can always be found in day to day life situations like friends relying on each other to care of each other and look out for one another. Friends should always be dependable for each other and make sure they do the things in their best interest. Family relationships are also usually trust based as well, just like your relationships with friends. Families are very similar in ways. They always need trust each other to look out for each other in daily life situations and trust each other to make the right decisions in life. Trust can always be proved by doing the right thing and staying loyal to the people you love and choose to surround yourself with.

Having a sense of trust has always been built within us from the day we was born. Trust pretty much rules our day to day lives and how we conduct ourselves each day. There was an study conducted Paul J Zak that he stated saying that “countries with low trust are poor because the inhabitants undertake too few of the long term investments that create jobs and raise incomes”. Nobody wants to invest in someone that is not trustworthy and very undependable. So this not only proves that trust not only affects relationships but can also affect your income and what job you will end up with. He also went on to say that it can affect us physically and emotionally. He went on to say the brain produces oxytocin which is a hormone, and neurotransmitter that increases your potency to trust others in the absence of threatening signals the brain produces to keep us from trusting each other.

We are definitely wired to trust one another rather than acting on intuition to develop trust with one another instead of turning against each other. The doctor also went on to say that when we are brought up in a loving and caring environment, our brains tend to release more oxytocin. When then tend reciprocate that trust to the people around us rather than choosing not to love and trust each other. If you grew up in a very troubled atmosphere most likely to put your guard up and not trust very many people. This is something that is very common with some people in today’s society. There are people out there that are just trying to destroy you. It is very sad to that some people can never develop a trust or sense of intimacy with another person.

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Why We Trust Argumentative Essay. (2021, Oct 06). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/why-we-trust/

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