Why is Steve McCurry so Famous Photographer

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Steve McCurry born on April 23, 1950 in Darby, Pennsylvania, United States is an American photographer, specialist and photojournalist. McCurry has been one of the most notorious legends in photography for over three centuries. His photographs have been utilized as book covers with over twelve books, he also had an endless number of presentations around the globe. From little magazine productions to big distributions like national geology his photographs have been distributed.

Why is Steve McCurry so famous you may ask? McCurry is mostly known for his impressive color photography. He has accomplished amazing status with his narrative photography, and is mainly most popular for his photograph of the ‘Afghan Girl’ distributed in 1985.Steve McCurry says that he aims to praise individuals, cultures, and places with his photographs. He states that in each photo he takes, he wants to “tell a story”. In one of his meetings McCurry said, ‘I like to tell stories about my subjects through my photographs.”(McCurry)

This is really important if one wants to become a famous photographer. You want to send messages in your photographs. If you do not, no one will really care about your photos. But it is also important that you love what you do in this case, taking photos. I know that McCurry adores taking pictures. Glancing through his blog, we individuals can see that Steve McCurry has not resigned at this point and it does not seem like he will anytime soon. McCurry is yet posting photos of his work from all around the globe. Photographing animals has always been something McCurry had in mind and enjoyed doing when he started photography. However, he did not have in mind that a simple photo of animals would make him famous.

The photo taken above is One of the most striking shots, winning the 1992 World Press Photo award, was taken in Kuwait toward the finish of the primary Gulf War. It shows three camels searching for food and water while a monstrous fire seethes out of sight. Previous Iraq president Saddam Hussein had requested his fighters to set oil fields land, making a biological disaster. Steve McCurry is an effective man and now he has the chance to pick his assignments and furthermore where he needs to work.

As he referenced ‘At last, after such huge numbers of long periods of my career, I am glad to have the option to single out my assignments, and I feel that all my difficult work and hardships I needed to experience when I originally began has paid off.'(McCurry) In this way, only successful individuals like him get the opportunity to choose their assignments and furthermore to pick where and when to work.


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Why is Steve McCurry so Famous Photographer. (2021, Sep 16). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/why-is-steve-mccurry-so-famous-photographer/

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