Why I Want to Be a Pharmacists

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I have become attracted to Pharmacy after I built a strong relationship with my uncle. My uncle graduated with a Doctor of Pharmacy at Temple University and now is an owner of three successful pharmacies and a manager at Express Scripts Accredo. My uncle has taught me that as Pharmacist one’s role is very vital to ensure the correct medications are provided in an effective way hence this it will allow me to work with a variety of patients to accomplish a ultimate career as a Pharmacist.

Throughout my college career, I have gained valuable knowledge in several fields of science and mathematics while attaining my degree in Biology. In Chemistry, I have done a sequence of experiments which necessitate diagnostic and evaluative skills such as precise reading while using burettes. I found the organic Chemistry module rather stimulating as I appreciated studying the changed reactions of aldehydes and ketones and how these responses and organic products vary due to the changed practical groups present in each compound. Another feature of chemistry I enjoy is the purification of organic compounds.

As a Biology major, I appreciated studying about the assorted functions of antibiotics and how they stop bacteria from growing, and how parallel bacterial resistance can form in the varied and identical species of bacteria. This is a vital aspect that will impact innovative antibiotic drug development to stop the distinct bacteria from multiplying again.

As a pharmacist, many mathematical skills are also mandatory. Using mathematics, I can examine and unravel different problems that I may have with effects such as delivering the exact amount of dosage of a drug and to also calculate the correct amount that is required for a patient in accordance to his/her diagnoses/illness.

The multifaceted structure of the human body is a sole beauty. Though, when witnessing my sister degenerating due to her severe epilepsy and minor dementia it displayed that complexity inevitably meant that the problems will continue to emerge. I realized the effects of such illness and/or diagnoses can have on the patient and their families and how they can appreciate how fulfilling being a Pharmacist would be in such conditions and situations.

I have come to learn that empathy and compassion is key to providing effective care. This detail was emphasized during my time of volunteering with Emergency Medicine Doctors at St. Joseph’s Hospital in Paterson, NJ. Here, I comprehended the significance of treating patients in a holistic manner; Pharmacists need to be proficient enough to understand and deal with the health propositions of both physical and emotional complaints.

During this time, I was able to observe doctors interact with patients in difficult situations such as witnessing the emotional anguish of a patient suffering from extreme depression, where vital assistance such as sympathy, patience and tenderness are crucial to enhance and better the doctor-patient relationship.

Having observed clinical team meetings as a pharmacy technician at iCare Pharmacy in Bloomfield, NJ, I was able to appreciate the participation and say of several technicians and pharmacists having in providing efficient care and guaranteeing an improved outcome collectively for the patient and their families.

Having worked at iCare Pharmacy, I was able to work thoroughly with elderly patients. This made me mindful of their explicit healthcare needs and challenges in dealings to their care. Healthcare needs are inclined by various other aspects including gender, ethnicity and social class. Pharmacists need to exemplify the aptitude of recognizing precise healthcare needs and addressing them appropriately. Throughout my experience at iCare Pharmacy, I have come to realization that many patients were in an unfortunate state of health and usually in fatal phases of their illness. This terminal environment demonstrated how healthcare staff members are habitually faced with emotionally stressful circumstances.

As a pharmacy technician I decided to contribute my time to the City of Paterson by attending fundraising events for Refuges living in the US, Healthcare needs, medical missions, Senior Citizens, and the US Military. While attending fundraising events I learnt critical methods and respectful discourse which may benefit myself and others during these incorporative meetings and case conferences.

While contributing, my role was to proactively get involved in organizing open days and advising patients with the help of an experienced pharmacist. In addition to this I, helped organizations fund money to Columbia and Dominican Republic to raise money for healthcare needs. We also volunteered our time with the help of raising money for the National Arab American Medical Association for medical missions to Jordan, Syria and Arab Refugees in America.

This inspiring experience facilitated me to realis the importance of pharmaceutical drugs in the maintenance of our complex structures. It made me aware of the limited number of drugs accessible to doctors to help cure patients. My fluency in Arabic, also aided me to communicate between the staff and patients who visited such events. These particular experiences amplified my interest in the diseases, drugs and the development of treatments; providing me with supplementary insight into a career in Pharmacy.

The medical world is full of intellectual, ethical, physical and psychological encounters which Pharmacists face on a constant basis, but yet this creates a dynamic profession which is one of the most gratifying. My ambition for excellence and to prosper within the medical profession will no doubt help make a difference to the lives of the future.

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Why I Want to Be a Pharmacists. (2021, May 22). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/why-i-want-to-be-a-pharmacists/

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