Why All Colleges Should Be Free for Everyone

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Deborah Kaurfiss from Student Debt Relief stated, the average student graduates from college in $37,172 in student loan debt. The amount is even higher for professional students. People facing debt, often don’t have a lot of money to contribute to the economy or buy or rent a house. Our total student debt loan, which is $1.48 trillion in this country, which is a lot more than debts for credit cards debt, which is $1.023 trillion. If people didn’t have such a huge student loan debt, they could buy houses, consumer items, and contribute to the economy even more than they have to.

Deborah Kaurfiss also stated that students would be able to focus more on their studies rather than worrying about how to scrape together enough funds for each upcoming school term if college were free. More students would graduate on time, ready to take on important jobs in their communities. The cost of attending a four-year college has increased by 1,122% since 1978.

Richard Vedder stated there are some insanely good arguments for free community college, we are already have free tuition for 11th and 12th grade, why not 13th or 14th grade (community college?) The cost of community college is usually low, far less than that at conventional four year universities –and often even less than per pupil costs at some outrageously inefficient large K-12 school districts. Therefore there is a case for nudging high-risk students with problematic academic records to go to these lower cost schools rather than expensive four-year universities, with easy transfer to the four-year schools if successful at the community college level. There are also attractive arguments supporting those wishing to acquire skills like driving long distance trucks or welding, well-paying vocational jobs in much demand.

However, there are three problems, the back academic track record of community college attendees, the potentials are very negative to the economic growth implications from financing so-called free college, and even some fairness issues. The most recent National Student Clearinghouse data show that 47% of community college enrollees drop out of school, far more than the 27% who graduate (others are still in school). Other research shows that completion rates fall the less students pay towards the cost, hinting that free tuition might raise already scandalously high dropout rates.

Max Page and Dan Clawson both say that college should be more affordable for students. A century ago, high school was becoming a necessity, not a luxury; today the same is happening to college. If college is essential for building a career and being a full participant in our democracy, it should be free, paid for by public dollars, and treated as a right of all members of our country. Those who oppose free public higher education roar that it would be a hardship on campuses, that it would mean more students and less money, that hundreds of faculty and staff would be fired. This is incorrect. In Tennessee, which just began a new free community college, they are too busy hiring staff to teach the classes to all the new young adults and adults excited about the chance to get a better education.

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Why All Colleges Should Be Free for Everyone. (2021, Apr 17). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/why-all-colleges-should-be-free-for-everyone/

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