Vaccinations For All

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Imagine a mother seeing her children in pain within the last few days of agony and severe rashes are visible all over their entire body. Those symptoms have been around for ages, in fact, the practice of immunization for such disease took place in China around the 17th century. The Chinese invented inoculation techniques used against smallpox; however, Edward Jenner developed the first worldwide form of vaccine showing immunity to smallpox in 1796. Thanks to the invention of the smallpox vaccine, it was thus later announced by the World Health Organization that smallpox has been eradicated in 1979 (“A Brief History”).

A vaccine is a product that creates immunity and antibodies to prevent diseases. As a matter of fact, the measles vaccine saved 20.4 million lives between 2000 to 2016 (“Measles Vaccine Has”). Vaccines work by creating antibodies against the germs and attack the antigens that enter the body (U.S. Department of). Vaccination is crucial to prevent deadly diseases in the future, where doing so will further benefit the community around oneself, and it’s shown through researches that it is safe and effective for mankind’s usage; therefore, individuals should support organizations helping to bring vaccines to other parts of the world.

Vaccinations does not only help an individual’s illness presently; nevertheless, aid to prevent further diseases in one’s lifetime. Such a case was brought up by the Australian Academy of Science, who promotes scientific engagement, in their article, “ Who Benefits from Vaccines?”, where “ a high-dose [of] chickenpox vaccine” were given “ to boost immunity” from painful blisters known as shingles, overtime infections of chickenpox. Accordingly, the chickenpox vaccine could help reduce the development of shingles, in which, were caused by previous disease, chickenpox.

It’s safer to decrease or even treat future diseases than not getting vaccinated, resulting in agonize later on. Similarly, vaccines were revealed to have high chances in inhibiting diseases in near-future, stating that “whooping cough vaccine prevents disease in 85% of recipients and “95% of recipients” from the measles vaccine ( “Who Benefits from Vaccines?”). The calculations disclosed tell individuals the high rate that vaccines could help in treating the diseases appearing later in the future. As shown, it’s significant to prevent a disease from occurring before it could worsen; which could threaten the life of an individual and their loved ones.

Vaccines further aid to increase the populations in those countries where there is a lack of sanitary; for instance, leading to the deaths of many. “The proportion of children in Ghana who received the measles vaccine after DTP3 increased from 45% in 1996 to 95% in 2012” (Frontier). As shown, there are many causes of death around the world today, but some factors involve cases where vaccines can be used to save those infected. The tremendous increase in the population illustrates the significant of vaccines in contributing to saving the world’s population. Individuals should help the mortality of humans on planet Earth, in which, could even be saving themselves and their families in the future.

This technology, additionally, provide an indirect protection to those surrounding each individual, including themselves. Since most diseases can be highly contagious if one is not already vaccinated; in which, could affect the community nearby. For instance, Matthew Loftus, who teaches and practices Family Medicine in Baltimore, stated in the article, “ Why I Still Vaccinate”, of the incredibly contagious disease, measles. For the case that a person with measles standing in a room with 99 other people, within three weeks later, 90 of the 100 who are not vaccinated will be infected. Through these figures of how vastly measles can spread amongst each individual, such statistics indicate the high importance of the invention that helps fight back the diseases within a human’s body. It’s necessary for one to vaccinate for the sake of others. Moreover, for human beings to be aware of those who will be affected by their choices of getting vaccinated or not. In addition, many often focus on their likings and preferences to the needs of others:

Those who suffer from poverty or immunosuppressive disease do not have the same power to protect themselves and their children. Parents who consider the effects of vaccines only on their families without considering the wider consequences are. Not vaccinating elevates the risks of infectious disease among the poor and immunosuppressed. ( Loftus)

In other words, getting vaccinated is not something one should think about benefiting only themselves; on the other hand, should assist others health beings as well. Vaccinations can further benefit those who are more vulnerable to diseases due to their circumstances. There are individuals who do not have access to vaccinations; therefore, individuals who stand at a better situation should consider getting vaccinated to aid themselves and the people around them. Likewise, in order to meet the herd immunity, where a large portion of a population is protected due to vaccination, 95% or more has to be vaccinated ( “Who Benefit from Vaccines?”). The choice regarding vaccination affect much more than just an individual; rather, the whole community around them is deeply involved. In many cases, perhaps a disease does occur, getting vaccinated will aid in protecting that individual and additionally, the others if they are immunized as well.

Along with protecting one’s life, knowledge through researches of vaccines being safe and survivors depict such effectiveness provided by vaccines. Since the beginning of the technology of vaccination, researches have been conducted to provide effectiveness for individuals where for “ 80-99% of vaccinated people are protected”( “The Science Is Clear:”). There are many causes of death around the world today, but some factors involve cases where vaccines can be in use to save those infected. Such immense rate of providing aid for people through the technology of vaccination signifies the importance of vaccines for human’s lifetime.

Granted that many parents are worried that vaccines could cause side effects such as autism in their child said.“ In 1998, The Lancet published a study by Dr. Andrew Wakefield that appeared to find a link between autism and vaccines”( Loftus). It seems that various believe vaccines to be a factor leading to autism, “a broad range of conditions characterized by challenges with social skills, repetitive behaviors, speech and nonverbal communication” ( “ What Is Autism?”) ; moreover, researches “reviewed by the Institute of Medicine, the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, and the American Academy of Pediatrics” states autism is not the cause of vaccinations ( “The Science Is Clear:”). Though the study showing the link between autism and vaccines have been over twenty years ago; nevertheless, various individuals still use that against the idea of getting vaccinated. In fact, some factors that actually cause austism are genetics and advanced parent age ( “What Is Austism?”). Such misconceptions could play a huge role in putting the lives of others at risk.

Over the years, scientists have been trying to improve the technology of vaccines and make perfect for mankind to use. There has been many concerns regarding whether vaccines are safe to use, in the article,“ Vaccine Safety: The Facts” by the American Academy of Pediatrics, a professional association of pediatricians who work with children and their diseases explain how “the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reviews all aspects of development, including where and how the vaccine is made. The FDA will not license a vaccine unless it meets standards for effectiveness and safety”. By going through the FDA, it ensures and decreases the errors that could occur, additionally, review whether or not it’s safe for humans. Through the processes involved for an individual to be vaccinated, it’s displayed to be a trustful and working technology, benefiting numerous of lives.

It should not be a choice to whether someone wants to be vaccinated or not, but rather should be based on the surroundings as a whole to help the world and its people altogether. By not getting vaccinated, the people surrounding are at risk when a disease appears. The sight of people, especially one’s loved ones slowly suffering from the disease that is acquired is heartbreaking. Luckily, Americans do have access to vaccinations; therefore, one could further contribute by helping vaccines be available around the world, especially in third world countries where many children are suffering due to the lack of access to immunization. An individual can help donate to organizations such as the Gavi organization at gavi.org where they assist countries with financial support to improve immunization and build public awareness of the importance of vaccination so all mankind can benefit from the live-saving technology.

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Vaccinations For All. (2021, Oct 06). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/vaccinations-for-all/

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